Actxa Tempo 2 Product Service - Page 12
Browse online or download pdf Product Service for Fitness Trackers Actxa Tempo 2. Actxa Tempo 2 19 pages.
NSC Product Service SOP 2019 v2.0
Service Step 5: Perform Tracker Exchange
Obtain customer's NRIC for verification.
tracker exchange.
2. Fill up digital form with customer's details and Tracker defect information. No physical form
3. Check EO App "Date Collected" and fill in "Date of Tracker Collection" on the form. If this field in
EO Apps is empty, and customer has no sales receipt, exchange is not allowed.
4. Issue replacement tracker to customer – pair replaced tracker for customers who are non-
smartphone users. Refer to Service Step 6.
5. Label tracker with Case ID and coloured stickers based on their main issues. E.g Battery issues one
colour, touch issues one colour. Place the tracker into individual ziplock bags. Ziplock bags will be
provided by Actxa.
6. Return to Actxa Pte Ltd during the 1-to-1 exchange cycle.
7. 1-to-1 exchange cycle: Every Tuesday.
• All returned items MUST BE completed with a digital form and labelled with the case ID
corresponding to the form, with clear descriptions of the defect. Actxa Pte Ltd reserves the
right to reject any returned items with incomplete information.
• It is a MUST to fill in the "Date of Tracker Collection" field Digital. Should this filed be left
empty, Actxa will reject the quantity for exchange.
Photocopy of the NRIC is not required.
The NRIC must be of the participant who requested for the
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