Cisco Cisco MDS 9216A - Fabric Switch Release Note - Page 28

Browse online or download pdf Release Note for Network Hardware Cisco Cisco MDS 9216A - Fabric Switch. Cisco Cisco MDS 9216A - Fabric Switch 44 pages. Multilayer fabric switch
Also for Cisco Cisco MDS 9216A - Fabric Switch: Configuration Manual (49 pages), Release Note (48 pages), Release Note (44 pages), Release Note (36 pages), Release Note (26 pages), Release Note (22 pages), Quick Reference Manual (14 pages), Release Note (3 pages), Specification (15 pages)

Cisco Cisco MDS 9216A - Fabric Switch Release Note
New Features in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.2(1)
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco Fabric Manager can now be installed from a CD-ROM or from files downloaded from the Cisco
web site. To install Fabric Manager Server, you can get the software from the CD-ROM or from a Jar
file, and install the PostgresSQL database and the Fabric Manager Server. To install a Fabric Manager
Client, you can install the software from the Fabric Manager Server and install the Fabric Manager
Client (without a database) and Cisco Device Manger.
The installation process has been broken down into a few large steps for added flexibility. A manual
workflow is provided on the CD-ROM to guide the end user through installing a Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) if one in not present, installing PostgresSQL database or connecting to an existing Oracle
instance, and installing the Cisco Fabric Manager framework and application.
For general guidelines about the Fabric Manager installation process, see
Cisco Fabric Manager" section on page
to the "Installation of Cisco MDS SAN-OS and Fabric Manager" section in the
Fabric Manager Configuration Guide,
Custom Report Enhancements
Several enhancements to the Cisco Fabric Manager custom reports are included in release 3.2(1). These
licensed Cisco FMS features include:
Analysis Reports
Cisco Fabric Manager Server release 3.2(1) analysis reports present an additional level of information,
by compiling results from running specific test programs and more complex analysis of Cisco Fabric
Manager Server (FMS) database statistics.
The analysis reports in Cisco FMS release 3.2(1) are licensed features. They include:
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.2(1)
Cisco Fabric Manager is no longer embedded in the SAN-OS software, which means that Fabric
Manager can no longer be installed from a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch. Only the Device
Manager can be installed from a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch using Java Web Start.
The relational database that is needed for Fabric Manager is now separate from the Fabric Manager
There are two distinct versions of Cisco Fabric Manager:
Fabric Manager Standalone (a single, simplified application)
Fabric Manager Server (multiple client, single-server applications)
Additional Report Types
Report Scheduling
Topology Maps in FMS Reports
Fixed Y-Axis Range for Charts
Zoning Discrepancies
Switch Health
Fabric Configuration
11. For complete Fabric Manager installation instructions, refer
or use the on-screen instructions provided with the CD-ROM.
"Upgrading Your Version of
Cisco MDS 9000 Family