TomTom ONE 4N01.002 User Manual - Page 38

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for GPS TomTom ONE 4N01.002. TomTom ONE 4N01.002 48 pages. User manual

Set units

Tap this button to set the type of units that will be shown for the following:
• Distance
• Time
Set units
• Latitude and longitude
• Temperature
• Air pressure

Set clock

Tap this button to select the type of clock that is shown and set the time.
The easiest way to set the time is by tapping the Sync button. Your ONE will
then take the time from GPS information.
Set clock
For more information about GPS, see Global Positioning System (GPS) on
page 40.
Note: After using Sync to set the time, you may have to adjust the hours
depending on your time zone. Your ONE works out your time zone and
always keeps the time correct using GPS information.
You can only use Sync if you have GPS reception, so you cannot set the
clock in this way when you are indoors.

Keyboard preferences

You use the keyboard to enter your destination or to find an item in a list,
such as a POI.
Tap this button to select the size of the keys on the keyboard and the
keyboard layout. You can select from two sizes:
• Large keyboard
• Small keyboard
Three keyboard layouts are available:
• ABCD keyboard
• QWERTY keyboard
• AZERTY keyboard
Note: The keyboard does not include accents of any kind for any language
so you don't have to worry about entering letters with accents. Simply type
the letter without the accent and your ONE will recognize the word.