Ariston FAST EVO X ONT User Instructions - Page 2

Browse online or download pdf User Instructions for Water Heater Ariston FAST EVO X ONT. Ariston FAST EVO X ONT 41 pages.
Also for Ariston FAST EVO X ONT: User Manual (42 pages), Instructions For Use Manual (12 pages)

Ariston FAST EVO X ONT User Instructions
Korisničke upute
Općenita upozorenja.................................................. . 3
CE označavanje. ..................................................... ....3
Sigurnosne odredbe..... ............................................. . 5
Kontrolna ploča.. ...................................................... ...7
Umetanje baterije....................................................... . 7
Mijenjanje baterije....................................................... . 8
Paljenje plamenika..................................................... . 8
Regulacija temperature vode .................................... . 9
Procedura gašenja.... ............................................... . 9
Uvjeti za gašenje uređaja.......................................... 10
Zaštita od zamrzavanja................... ......................... 11
Odlaganje i recikliranje uređaja.. .............................. 11
Izmjena plina.............................................................. 11
Održavanje................................. .............................. 11
Upute za postavljanje i popravak
(Samo za ovlaštene servisere) .................. 12
Proizvod odgovara direktivi
EU 2012/19/EU.
Simbol prekrižene kante za otpatke na uređaju
upućuje na to da se proizvod na kraju rada mora
zbrinuti odvojeno od uobičajenog kućnih smeća u
kućanstvu, a mora se odlagati u centru za odlaganje otpada s
namjenskim objektima za električne i elektroničke aparata ili se
vraćaju trgovcu prilikom kupnje novog zamjenskog proizvoda.
Korisnik je odgovoran za odlaganje proizvoda na kraju životnog
vijeka u odgovarajućem centru za odlaganje otpada.
Centar za odlaganje otpada (koji pomoću posebnih postupaka
obrade i recikliranja učinkovito rastavlja i raspolaže uređajem)
pomaže očuvanju okoliša recikliranjem materijala od kojeg je
proizvod napravljen.
Za daljnje informacije o sustavu odlaganja otpada posjetite
lokalni centar za zbrinjavanje otpada ili trgovac od kojeg je
proizvod kupljen.
User's instructions
CE labelling ............................................................... 3
General warnings ...................................................... 3
Safety regulations ...................................................... 5
Control panel ............................................................. 7
Battery insertion......................................................... 7
Battery replacement .................................................. 8
Ignition procedure ...................................................... 8
Switchinf off procedure .............................................. 9
Appliance shut-off conditions ....................................10
Anti-freeze protection ...............................................11
Disposal and recycling the appliance. ......................11
Change gas type ......................................................11
Maintenance .............................................................11
(Only for qualified technician) ...................................12
This product conforms to Directive
WEEE 2012/19/EU.
The symbol of the crossed waste paper basket
on the appliance indicates that at the end of its
working life the product should be disposed of
separately from normal domestic household rubbish, it must
be disposed of at a waste disposal centre with dedicated
facilities for electric and electronic appliances or returned to
the retailer when a new replacement product is purchased.
The user is responsible for the disposal of the product at the
end of its life at an appropriate waste disposal centre.
The waste disposal centre (which using special treatment and
recycling processes effectively dismantles and disposes of
the appliance) helps to protect the environment by recycling
the material from which the product is made.
For further information about waste disposal systems visit
your local waste disposal centre or the retailer from which the
product was purchased.