ABB OHDI-01 User Manual - Page 2

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Control Unit ABB OHDI-01. ABB OHDI-01 12 pages. 115/230 v digital input module
Also for ABB OHDI-01: User Manual (11 pages)

ABB OHDI-01 User Manual


WARNING! All electrical installation and maintenance work on the
drive should be carried out by qualified electricians only.
WARNING! The drive and adjoining equipment must be properly
WARNING! Do not attempt any work on a powered drive. After
switching off the mains, always allow the intermediate circuit
capacitors 5 minutes to discharge before working on the drive, the
motor or the motor cable. It is good practice to check (with a
voltage indicating instrument) that the drive is in fact discharged
before beginning work.
WARNING! The motor cable terminals of the drive are at a
dangerously high voltage when mains power is applied,
regardless of motor operation.
WARNING! There can be dangerous voltages inside the drive from
external control circuits even when the drive mains power is shut
off. Exercise appropriate care when working on the unit.
Neglecting these instructions can cause physical injury or death.

Use of Warnings and Notes

There are two types of safety instructions throughout this manual:
Notes draw attention to a particular condition or fact, or give
information on a subject.
Warnings caution you about conditions which can result in serious
injury or death and/or damage to the equipment. They also tell you
how to avoid the danger. The warning symbols are used as follows:
Dangerous voltage warning warns of high voltage which can
cause physical injury and/or damage to the equipment.
115/230 V Digital Input Module – OHDI-01