Acoms Technisport 2.4G Instruction Manual - Page 2

Browse online or download pdf Instruction Manual for Receiver Acoms Technisport 2.4G. Acoms Technisport 2.4G 14 pages.

Acoms products ale de€igned with sale9 in rnind.
Misuse ot this product could causo fire or injury.
Please ke€p this manual for future rclelence as it is imporiant to prevent accidents,
This paoduci is not r€commended tor us6 by childaron l€ss lhan 14 years ol age
without adult supervbion.
In the event or -f 1 ifg;!,";li5ii,XX""l"H:
. Smoke
. Buming smell
. Strange sound
. Water or any liquid
coming into contacl
with tho product
. or if it is dropped
or damaged.
. This producl s desgned only lor the radO cqltrol ground models. Nol recommended lor use n
boats or flyng models.
. The manulaclurer and drstr butor wrllacc@t no responsibility,
expressed or rrnpl€d for accdenls
or injunes caused as a result ot drsassefibly, rnodificalron.
. Please plug the connector Inlo lhe rocgvg firmly and In the correcl d rect@n Do not darnage lhe
cord, break . remodelrl. pul or lwrsl ri.lritEo puling oul the connecto( should always b€ pulled
by rts housrng nol by the cord.
. Do not put engine orl or exhaust directly to th€ plaslc parts. ll causes eroson and damge.
Attondon for rrc
. lf water enters the products. il may cause lailure in lhe function. Do nol use in the ra n or expos€
equipment in the vehicle to standing water.
. Always drive an RC car wilh care and do not use In:
t Crowded places, near other people, especially small children.
2 Small spaces. Rainy days. in log o{ at night time.
3 When tired, sick, under medication, when drinking alcohol or any other condition which may
attect your ability lo control the model.
. TX settng change should only be made when lhe engine s slopped ( motor wire is r€mov€d ).
. Please ensure to lurn TX power switch on first, then lurn RX switch on.
When you turn olf the swtch, conlirming lhe engine stop (molor stop), lurn FX swtch oll first,
then turn TX switch oft.
. Please alwavs check the farl sale lunclron on N lro cars In advance.
. Never loose sight of your mode to avoid any darrage to others.
$op ttre engine and motor of the model.
trrn the recervets swnch ofl.
{ Turn tne transmitter's switch off.
5 Remove the battery then call to the store.