Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS Specifications - Page 20

Browse online or download pdf Specifications for All in One Printer Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS. Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS 42 pages. Xerox printer specification sheet

version 8.x
selecting SJ 4-3
submitting print jobs SJ 4-10–SJ 4-40
LCDS commands, converting PD 3-2
Level 2 operators PD 1-21
leveling, floor IP 6-15
license, software IP 8-4, SO 1-6
license, VIPP PD 3-3
diagnostic CM 2-15
displaying remaining days CM 2-17
installing feature CM 2-16
installing from diskette CM 2-17
showing status CM 2-17
licenses, software CM 2-15
licensing commands CM 2-15–CM 2-18
lights, feeder trays RM 1-1
path PD 1-31
storage object size PD 1-33
virtual memory PD 1-31
limitations, color IS 9-1
limitcheck error PD 1-31
line mode PD 3-2
line mode extension PD 3-3–PD 3-4
lines and borders, adding color IS 5-8
lines, zero-width PD 1-24
List CDROM Fonts command CM 10-6
List Color Calibrations command CM 15-10
List Documents command PJ 3-7–PJ 3-10,
DC D1-9
List Executives command CM 1-4, CM 8-8
List Files on CDROM command CM 2-8
List Floppy Fonts command CM 10-6
List Fonts command CM 10-6, CM 10-7
List Forms command CM 11-2
performance measurements DC D1-7
syntax and example DC 7-4
verifying forms DC 5-3
List Logs command CM 9-10
List Options command CM 5-28
List Sample Documents command CM 8-5

List Virtual Printers PJ 2-5

List Virtual Printers command PJ 2-5, DC 7-5
List Volumes command CM 8-2
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide
SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide
PD = Guide to Using PDL
PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs
default options CM 5-28
files on CD ROM CM 2-8
files on diskette CM 2-3
files on tape CM 2-5
disk CM 10-8
printer controller CM 10-8
forms DC 5-3, DC 7-4
logs CM 9-10
virtual printers DC 7-5
listing commands CM 1-1
listjob command SJ 1-7, SJ 3-35
listq command SJ 1-7, SJ 3-38
lists, job
Active PJ 3-7
Held PJ 3-7
loaded font command set SJ 3-7
loading fonts PD 1-4, PD 1-6
loading job tickets
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-4–
SJ 6-5
loading, feeder trays RM 1-1
logging in CM 4-2, CM 4-6
logos PD 1-5
copying to floppy CM 9-11

deleting CM 9-12

displaying CM 9-10
listing CM 9-10
printing CM 9-13
lpc command (UNIX) SJ 3-57
lpd commands SJ 4-10
lpq command SO 4-5
determining job status SJ 1-7
DOS SJ 3-53
UNIX SJ 3-54
print utilities, enabling SJ 2-17–SJ 2-19
security option, enabling CM 12-5
Solaris SJ 2-18
SunOS SJ 2-17
lpr command SO 4-5, SJ 3-41
color mismatch results SJ 3-59
overview SJ 1-4
syntax DC 5-1
virtual printer assignment DC 5-5
SO = System Overview Guide
IP = Installation Planning Guide
RM -Guide to Performing Routine
TG = Troubleshooting Guide
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