Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS Specifications - Page 25

Browse online or download pdf Specifications for All in One Printer Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS. Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS 42 pages. Xerox printer specification sheet

superimposing multiple
GetTiff macro DC 8-4, DC 8-5–DC 8-7
run exec macro DC 8-2
XMerge caveats DC 6-5, DC 6-7, DC
6-14, DC 6-18
pages per minute (PPM) DC D1-1
PagesDone attribue PJ 1-19
PagesPerCopy attribue PJ 1-19
characteristics IP A+2, SO 6-2
clearing jams
area 3 TG 4-14
area 4 TG 4-15–TG 4-17
area 5 TG 4-18–TG 4-19
area 7 TG 4-22–TG 4-23
area 8 TG 4-24
area 9 TG 4-25
areas 1 and 1A TG 4-10–TG 4-11
areas 2 and 2A TG 4-12–TG 4-13
areas 6 and 6A TG 4-20–TG 4-21
bypass transport TG 4-28–TG 4-29
stacker tray TG 4-26
stitcher/stacker tray (areas A and B)
TG 4-27–TG 4-28
conditioning IP A+4–IP A+5, SO 6-4–SO
exit, third-party finishing devices IP 3-14,
SO 3-14
feeder assembly RM 1-5
graphic display TG 4-6
message display TG 4-6
misfeeds, frequent TG 4-3
described IP 3-16, SO 3-16
duplex IP 3-16, SO 3-17
simplex IP 3-16, SO 3-16
recommended weight, grade IP A+2, SO
size IP A+1–IP A+3, SO 6-1–SO 6-3
storing IP A+3, SO 6-3
trays, see trays
types TG 4-1
weight, specifying PJ 4-5
paper color
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-16,
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL
SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
Master Index
paper size
paper source
Paper Source command, implementing PD
Paper Source command, PCL PD 2-12
paper stock
paper type
paper weight
paper, drilled
Papyrus Document System, see ISIS
parameters, PSERVER PJ 3-17
parentheses ()
parser, IPDS
partial media match PJ 4-6
password, Superuser SJ 4-9
path limits PD 1-31
DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide
PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs
SO = System Overview Guide
SJ 6-17
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-24
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-24
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-23
Macintosh LaserWriter driver 7.x SJ 4-10
DOS xcat DC 6-15
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ
6-15–SJ 6-17
SunOS/Solaris formmerge DC 6-19
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
5-21–SJ 5-24
Windows XCat DC 6-8, DC 6-11
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-16
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-23
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-16
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-18
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-16
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-24
DOS xcat DC 6-15
SunOS/Solaris formmerge DC 6-19
restarting CM 3-6
changing administrator CM 1-3
changing operator CM 1-3
creating File of Files DC 4-9–DC 4-11,
DC 4-11–DC 4-12
FTP default DC 4-12
IP = Installation Planning Guide
RM -Guide to Performing Routine Maintenance
TG = Troubleshooting Guide