Xerox DocuPrint 180 Reference Manual - Page 5

Browse online or download pdf Reference Manual for Software Xerox DocuPrint 180. Xerox DocuPrint 180 42 pages. User job submission quick reference card
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Xerox DocuPrint 180 Reference Manual
site files CM 2-9
virtual printers list CM 2-11
Xerox files CM 2-10
backing up forms DC F-1
Backup Site Files command CM 2-9
Backup Virtual Printers List command CM
Backup Xerox Files command CM 2-10
banking applications, example IS 1-7
banner page
job message
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ
6-13, SJ 6-14
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
sender name
Macintosh drivers (transparent) SJ
banner pages CM 4-1
banner pages, Novell PJ 3-18
bar compression CM 2-3, CM 2-5, CM 2-6
Barr/AFD IP 8-3
BARR/AFP connection SJ 2-12
BARR/RJE connection SJ 2-9
BCOCA (Bar code Object Content
Architecture) IP 1-10, SO 5-5
benefit book example DC 1-3
bezier PD 1-33
displaying CM 8-8
printing, data CM 8-11
report, printing CM 8-11
billing meter
reading IP 8-5
reporting IP 8-5
Bin Unload button IP 3-5, SO 3-5
binary input PD 1-22
bindery entry PJ 3-16
bitmaps PD 1-4, PD 1-14
BitsPerSample TIFF tag DC E-1
black areas, mapping PJ 1-16
black pixels
GetTiff macro DC 8-5
Blank Back Sides PJ 1-9
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide
SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide
PD = Guide to Using PDL
PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs
blank pages
XCat DC 6-10
XMerge DC 6-5, DC 6-7, DC 6-14, DC
booting the controller CM 3-2
borders, invisible frame DC 4-7
bounding box padding PD 1-32
break page PD 1-18
broadcast message
utility command CM 2-1
Broadcast Message to All Execs command
CM 2-1
Broadcast message to all execs command
CM 2-1
browser based access CM 1-5
BuildProfile option SJ 2-21
bus and tag
channel connection IP 1-6, SO 5-2
bypass transport IP 1-5, SO 1-4
dimensions IP 6-12
paper path IP 6-15
service access IP 6-14
specifications IP 6-12–IP 6-16, IP 6-30
ByteCode files
files created DC A-2
proprietary compression DC 5-2
Tiff/G4 format compared DC 3-2
locations IP 7-2
calculating throughput DC D1-2
evaluating output CM 15-2
when to perform CM 15-1
Cancel Documents command PJ 3-4
canceling commands CM 1-2
capabilities SJ 3-8–SJ 3-10
carbonless paper IP A-3, SO A-3
cartridge tape
drive IP 5-9, IP 5-10
ordering IP A-14, SO A-14
printing speed PD 1-34–PD 1-35
specifications PD 1-34
SO = System Overview Guide
IP = Installation Planning Guide
RM -Guide to Performing Routine
TG = Troubleshooting Guide
Master Index