Alderon Industries FLEX Quick Start Manual - Page 6

Browse online or download pdf Quick Start Manual for Control Panel Alderon Industries FLEX. Alderon Industries FLEX 15 pages. Single phase, simplex
Also for Alderon Industries FLEX: Manual (15 pages)

Alderon Industries FLEX Quick Start Manual
Step 4 (In Setup Wizard)
Configure the Float Inputs. Thi
ill con g e he oa in
of he
If he an d ce
a enabled, he
em ill a k he he o no a 2- oa back
ho ld be ac i a ed. Thi
ill e
a Lo Ala m/Red ndan Off Floa and a High Ala m/Red ndan S a Floa a back
in ca e he an d ce fail .
O he
i e, if he an d ce
a di abled, i
ill a k he
e o enable o di able he Lo Ala m Floa .
Please refer to the panel schematic to see what each input will be configured as based on the above
Step 5 (In Setup Wizard)
Enter Full Load Amps (FLA) for the pump (Only if the Panel Has A Current Sensor). Thi
ill con g e he high
and lo am
ala m oin
fo he
m . The
em ill e he i
a 15% abo e and belo
he FLA
en e ed he e. No e ha bo h high and lo am
can be eld modi ed indi id all in he P m Se U
ec ion of
he men .