Yamaha Big Bear Course Manual - Page 12

Browse online or download pdf Course Manual for Offroad Vehicle Yamaha Big Bear. Yamaha Big Bear 26 pages. Yamaha atv rider course manual

Chapter 5
Before starting out, be sure to review your owner's manual paying spe-
cial attention to the warnings and procedures. Remember to always wear
the proper protective gear while operating an ATV. Be sure riders under
the age of sixteen are under adult supervision while riding. Bring an expe-
rienced rider along to help you if you have problems.
The first step is mastering the basic skills needed by an ATV rider.
These include riding in a straight line, shifting and braking. Learning these
basics is essential in advancing your abilities as an ATV rider.


The correct riding posture will help you to easily operate the controls
and help you react more quickly when shifting your body weight. Proper
straight line riding posture includes:
• Head and eyes up, looking well ahead.
• Shoulders relaxed, back straight.
• Elbows bent, slightly away from your body and slightly above the
height of the handlebars.
• Hands on the handlebars.
• Knees in toward the tank.
• Feet on the footrests, toes pointing straight ahead.
When you sit forward on the seat the ATV will pivot underneath you.
Always keep both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the footrests
of your ATV during operation. Removing even one hand or foot can
reduce your ability to control the ATV or could cause you to lose your bal-
ance and fall off. If you remove a foot from a footrest, your foot or leg may
come into contact with the rear wheels, which could injure you or cause
an accident.
ATVs are rider-active; to enhance the performance capabilities of the
ATV you must shift your body weight. This is especially true in manoveu-
vres such as turning, negotiating hills, and crossing obstacles. These
operating techniques are covered in more detail in later chapters.

Starting Out

When starting out:
• Make sure the parking brake is set.
• Mount the ATV from the left side.
• Start the ATV using BONE-C.
• Hold the rear brake.
• Shift into first gear. (See your owner's manual for procedure for your
model ATV.)
• Release the parking brake.
• Release the rear bake and slowly apply the throttle.
• If your machine has a manual clutch, release the clutch slowly, while
gradually increasing the throttle. If the clutch is engaged suddenly the
ATV might move abruptly, causing you to lose control.
• Remember to keep your feet on the footrests at all times!
When riding in a straight line, remember to look well ahead, where you
want to go, not at the controls or immediately in front of the ATV. This will
help you maintain a straight course.

Shifting Gears

Because there are several types of ATV transmissions, you must be
certain you know how to shift the transmission of the ATV you are riding.
• Always release the throttle while shifting to prevent the front wheels
from lifting.
• Learn the sounds of your engine so you know when to shift to keep
the engine speed in the most efficient range.
• If your ATV has a manual clutch, learn where the friction zone is to pre-
vent stalling and allow smooth shifting.
• Some ATVs are equipped with reverse gear. Improperly operating in
reverse could result in serious injury. Follow these recommendations
when operating in reverse.
• Look behind you for obstacles or people.
• When it is safe to proceed, operate slowly.


Look ahead when braking, not at the ground immediately in front of
you, Following these tips will help you make smooth, controlled stops.
• Release the throttle.
• Shift to a lower gear to use the engine to slow the vehicle.
• Apply both brakes equally (if equipped).
• Avoid excessive braking while cornering. Do most of your braking
before the turn.
• Apply both brakes lightly on slippery surfaces.
• Keep head and eyes up.
• Keep your feet on the footrests at all times.


• When parking your ATV always try to find flat ground, and:
• Shift into neutral.
• Stop the engine with the engine stop switch, and if equipped, turn off
the ignition switch.
• Set the parking brake, or shift into a low gear if you do not have a
parking brake, to keep the ATV from rolling.
• Turn the fuel off.
Chapter 5 - Quiz
1. When riding an ATV, it is best to wear proper protective gear.
2. Operating an ATV requires that both hands be firmly on the handle-
3. The brakes should be used when shifting into first gear from neutral.
4. When starting out in first gear, it is safest to look at the controls.
5. Always release the throttle while shifting.
6. A rider should learn the sound of the ATV engine for better operation.
7. To make slower speed stops, use only one brake. True
8. It is best to do most of your braking before entering a turn.
9. It is best to look down at the stopping point when using the brakes.
10.It is proper to shift into a lower gear when coming to a stop.

Let's Start Riding
