Email Setup
If you have an existing BlackBerry smartphone and want to switch your email account to work with a new
BlackBerry smartphone, see
On the Email Setup screen of the Setup Wizard, you can choose one of these new account setup options:
I want to create or add an email address
– Select the
I want to create or add an email address
more (up to ten) existing Internet email accounts (like AT&T, Yahoo!®, AOL® and Gmail®). This option will
also allow you to create a new email address for your smartphone itself. This option is most common
for individual users. If you select this option, the Email Setup screen opens.
I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server
– Select the
I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server
company's BlackBerry Enterprise Server system administrator has provided you with a password that you
can use to activate your company IT managed email, calendar, and contacts (like Microsoft® Outlook® or
Lotus Notes®) with your smartphone over the wireless network.
You can skip Email Setup if any of the following apply:
– A representative from the store where you purchased your smartphone has already helped you to set up
your email account
– You have visited
– You have an existing email account and have access to a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, but your
BlackBerry Enterprise Server system administrator has not provided you with a password. Contact your
system administrator for more information about setting up email for your smartphone.
Switch to a new BlackBerry smartphone
to set up your email account
on page 14.
option to associate your smartphone with one or
option if your