Zanussi ZD 29/7 R Instruction Booklet - Page 15

Browse online or download pdf Instruction Booklet for Refrigerator Zanussi ZD 29/7 R. Zanussi ZD 29/7 R 20 pages. Fridge - freezer zd 29/7 r

It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future
reference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, or should you move house
and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in order that the
new owner can be acquainted with the functioning of the appliance and the relevant warnings.
If this appliance featuring magnetic door seals is to replace an older appliance having a spring lock
(latch) on the door or lid, be sure to make that spring lock unusable before you discard the old
appliance. This will prevent it from becoming a death-trap for a child.
These warnings are provided in the interest of safety. You must read them carefully before installing or
using the appliance.
General Safety
This appliance is designed to be operated by
adults. Children should not be allowed to tamper
with the controls or play with the product.
It is dangerous to alter the specifications or
modify this product in any way.
Before any cleaning or maintenance work is
carried out, be sure to switch off and unplug the
This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken
when moving it
ce lollies can cause frost burns if consumed
straight from the appliance.
Any electrical work required to install this
appliance should be carried out by a qualified
electrician or competent person
This product should be serviced by an authorized
Service Centre, and only genuine spare parts
should be used.
Under no circumstances should you attempt to
repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out
by inexperienced persons may cause injury or
more serious malfunctioning. Refer to your local
Service Centre, and always insist on genuine
spare parts.
The domestic refrigerators and freezers are
designed to be used specifically for the storage
of edible foodstuffs only.
Best performance is obtained with ambient
temperature between +18¡C and +43¡C (class
T); +18¡C and +38¡C (class ST); +16¡C and
+32¡C (class N); +10¡C and +32¡C (class SN).
The class of your appliance is shown on its rating
Warning: when the ambient temperature is not
included within the range indicated for the class
of this appliance, the following instructions must
be observed: when the ambient temperature
drops below the minimum level, the storage
temperature in the freezer compartment cannot
be guaranteed; therefore it is advisable to use
the food stored as soon as possible.
Frozen food must not be re-frozen once it has
been thawed out.
ManufacturersÕ storage recommendations should
be strictly adhered to. Refer to relevant
The inner lining of the appliance consists of
channels through which the refrigerant passes. If
these should be punctured this would damage
the appliance beyond repair and cause food loss.
off frost or ice. Frost may be removed by using a
plastic scraper. Under no circumstances should
solid ice be forced off the liner. Solid ice should
be allowed to thaw when defrosting the
appliance. See defrost instructions.
Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the
freezer as it creates pressure on the container,
which may cause it to explode, resulting in
damage to the appliance.
There are working parts in this product which
heat up. Always ensure that there is adequate
ventilation as a failure to do this will result in
component failure and possible food loss. See
installation instructions.
Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance
does not stand on the electrical supply cable.
Important: if the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced by a special cord or assembly
available from the manufacturer or its service
Parts which heat up should not be exposed.
Wherever possible the back of the product
should be against a wall.
If the appliance has been transported
horizontally, it is possible that the oil contained in
the compressor flows in the refrigerant circuit. It
is advisable to wait at least two hours before
connecting the appliance to allow the oil to flow
back in the compressor.
Lavez-les. Blanchissez-les dans lÕeau bouillante
pendant 4 min ou ˆ la vapeur pendant 5 min.
Refroidissez-les ˆ lÕeau courante. Laissez-les Žgoutter
et emballez.
Il est nŽcessaire de les rŽhydrater.
- persil, estragon, cerfeuil, menthe, fines herbes,
ciboulette - bien vertes - fra"ches - feuilles tendres
Lavez-les. Egouttez-les. Mettez-les en petits bouquets.
Emballez-les. Lavez-les, Žgouttez-les et hachez-les
finement. Emballez-les dans de petits rŽcipients (bo"tes
Frottez les bouquets dans vos mains pour les
Žcraser sur la prŽparation ˆ aromatiser. La
dŽcongŽlation est presque immŽdiate. Tr•s pratique
pour aromatiser vos prŽparations.
- fermes - tendres - sucrŽs - verts - fra"chement
Lavez-les apr•s les avoir ŽcossŽs. Blanchissez-les 2
min ˆ lÕeau bouillante ou 3 min sÕils sont un peu plus
gros. Refroidissez-les ˆ lÕeau courante. Egouttez et
Excellent rŽsultat.
- saines - mžres - fermes -bien rouges
Enti•res: Lavez-les. Epluchez-les si
nŽcessaire(trempez-les 2 ˆ 3 secondes dans lÕeau
bouillante pour plus de facilitŽ). SŽchez-les et
En purŽe: Lavez-les. Coupez-les en morceaux.
Cuisez-les avec un peu dÕeau. Ecrasez-les en
purŽe. Refroidissez la purŽe en plongeant le
rŽcipient dans de lÕeau froide.
Bons rŽsultats. Attention: les tomates peuvent se
dŽmonter. Coupez-les encore gelŽes pour la
prŽparation dÕune salade. Il est prŽfŽrable de
congeler les tomates en purŽe car les tomates
enti•res perdent leur fermetŽ.
DurŽe de conservation en mois:
10 ˆ 12
10 ˆ 12
8 ˆ 10
Choux verts
- nature
8 ˆ 10
- cuisine
2 ˆ 3
6 ˆ 8
10 ˆ 12
Haricots verts
10 ˆ 12
Haricots beurre
10 ˆ 12
Herbes aromatiques
6 ˆ 8
Petits Pois
Coupez la viande en morceaux (quantitŽ
consommŽe par votre famille en un repas. Evitez
de faire des paquets supŽrieurs ˆ 2 kg).
DŽgraissez et dŽsossez pour obtenir un gain de
place de 25 ˆ 30%.
Ne pas saler, ajoutez quelques Žpices si
nŽcessaire (attention: apr•s congŽlation de la
viande, poivre plus fort, curry fade, noix de
muscade trop forte, paprika et cŽleri prennent un
gožt tr•s dŽsagrŽable).
Emballez toujours les morceaux ou les tranches
que vous sŽparez par des feuilles de papier
Congelez la viande d•s que possible.
La charcuterie prŽparŽe et congelŽe aussit™t
faite, crue ou cuite selon le cas. Pour une longue
conservation, il est prŽfŽrable dÕutiliser les
moyens traditionnels (conserves stŽrilisŽes) car
la charcuterie rancit doucement au congŽlateur
alors que les p‰tŽs, rillettes et r™tis de porc se
bonifient en conserves stŽrilisŽes.
Viande crue
DŽcongŽlation de quelques heures ˆ 24 heures
selon grosseur, au rŽfrigŽrateur pour les
tournedos, grillades, c™tes... ou quelques minutes
dans un four ˆ micro-ondes (se reporter aux
temps indiquŽs dans la notice dÕutilisation du four
ou dans le livre de recettes).
Cuisson directe sans dŽcongŽlation pour le boeuf
mode, le gigot, r™ti, etc... PrŽvoyez un temps de
cuisson un peu plus long pour la dŽcongŽlation et
vŽrifiez la cuisson.
Viande cuite:
DŽcongŽlation de quelques heures ˆ 24 heures
selon grosseur, au rŽfrigŽrateur pour les viandes
cuites ˆ consommer froides ou tr•s rapidement
au four ˆ micro-ondes (se reporter aux temps
indIquŽs dans la notice dÕutilisation du four ou
dans le livre de recettes).
RŽchauffez les viandes cuites en sauce
directement sans dŽcongŽlation.