Acoustic Image Ten2 EX Owner's Manual - Page 8

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Acoustic Image Ten2 EX Owner's Manual
the tilt stand at all times in order to aim the high frequency output of the
speaker toward your ear so that you can better hear the amp.
Connecting An Extension Speaker
An extension speaker (ideally, one of our cabinets which is matched to
the specific combo unit) can be connected to the amp to increase its
output level using the jack provided on your amp's rear panel.
Speakers are connected via Neutrik Speakon connectors ("twist lock"
type). These connectors are used because of their low contact
resistance and non-shorting operation. The output of each Speakon
connector is wired to pole "1". Make sure the cables (and cabinets)
you use to connect an external speaker are similarly wired.
The combo amp has two outputs on the rear panel but one of them is
used to connect to the internal speaker via the short jumper cable. So,
one output is available for connecting an extension cabinet.
As mentioned earlier, the power amplifier in our combo amps is
capable of driving speaker loads as low as 2 ohms. Use a high quality
speaker system in order to get the maximum performance from the
amp. The amp has a short circuit protection circuit that interrupts the
signal if a short is connected to the speaker output. If you are getting
no sound when an extension cabinet is attached, check to see if the
extension has a short in it.
Presence Switch (Coda and Corus)
A switch that controls the output level of the midrange driver is
mounted on the docking panel of the Coda and Corus combo units.
We call it the Presence switch. The switch allows the Coda to sound
brighter and more forward, or in the case of the Corus amp, it can be
used to make it sound less forward. Play through the combo and try
the switch in each position to see which position sounds best to you.
You will hear the relative level of the mid and high frequencies change
as you flip the switch. You may find that the more forward sound is
helpful when you are playing in noisy environments.

Description of the Corus Combo

So, what's the difference between the Corus and the Coda? The
preamp and power amp of the Corus are the same as those used in
the Coda. The Corus uses a different woofer. It is more efficient and
has slightly less bass response. When coupled with the other speaker
in the two-way system and after the crossover is adjusted for the
higher efficiency of the woofer, the result is still a flat response like the
Coda and but the low frequency 3 dB point is higher (60 Hz versus 40
Hz) and the overall efficiency of the system is higher (94 dB versus 90
dB). Thus the Corus is more optimized for non bass instruments than
the other combos. In particular, guitar, keyboard and violin players will
like the sound of the Corus. The higher efficiency gives it a more
"forward" sound that these instrumentalists prefer. The slightly higher
low frequency cut off is not noticeable with guitar and other
The Corus EX has the same speaker components and the Corus
combo and the perfect match to the combo when additional volume is
needed. The Corus combo and Corus EX have a gray front panel and
a gray front grill so they look a little different and can be easily
distinguished from the other combos.
Tweeter Level Control (Ten2, Ten2 EX)
The tweeter level control is located on the rear panel of the speaker
cabinet(see picture of the rear panel below). It is a three position
switch with a selection of zero attenuation, 6 dB attenuation or off. The
tweeter operates from 3000 Hz and up so it's effect on the sound will
be audible. Under most circumstances, it should be operated with zero
attenuation. Experiment with the control and pick the level of
attenuation that sounds best to you.
Ten2 and Ten2 EX Rear Panel

Room Coupling Control

The Room Coupling Control is also located on the rear panel of the
Ten2 speaker cabinet. It is used to control the low frequency output of
the downfiring woofer. It is useful in controlling "boominess" in difficult
acoustic settings. It is a three position switch with settings of 100%,
75% and 50%. At the 100% setting, the downfiring woofer is operating
at full output. At the 75% setting, it's output is reduced slightly. Use this
setting when there is only moderate boominess in the room. At the
50% setting, the output is reduced even more. Use this setting for the
most difficult situations. Experiment with the control so you can get a
good idea of its effect on the sound.

Description of the Ten2 EX

The Ten2 EX is the speaker cabinet portion of the Ten2 combo. It is
about 3 inches shorter and about 7 pounds lighter than the Ten2
because the docking bay for the amplifier is not attached and the amp
head is not provided. It has the same speakers and the same
performance as the Ten2. It is the ideal extension cabinet for the Ten2
but it can also be used effectively with any of our other 1x10 combo
amps. In fact, the other combos can be stacked on top of the Ten2 EX
to create a 3x10 system.
-6 dB
0 dB