Acousticsamples GD-6 User Manual - Page 7

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Guitar Acousticsamples GD-6. Acousticsamples GD-6 13 pages.

if you enable it, the E chord will stay an E chord, but the engine will look for an alternate position to play it
starting from the capo.
The Auto Voicing feature enables the different guitar chord positions depending on the octave in which it is
played. You can disable it if you play on a small controller or just want to play the first position.
You can assign 13 different patterns of your choice to 13 different notes. Clicking on one of the keys on the
interface will launch the pattern, triggering another one will stop the first one and start the new one. You can
also trigger the patterns from the keyboard using the notes from C4 to C5. By default releasing the keys will
stop the pattern. The velocity at which you press the key will determine the velocity of the whole pattern.
The Parameters can change a few aspects of the current pattern.
Let Ring determines if the "off" events contained in the pattern will be played or not,
Length controls the length of the pattern, it can be anything from 1 to the length of the pattern and can
be adapted the metrics of your song (even odd numbers),
Speed you can play the pattern at different speeds, half or double speed for example,
Link makes the let ring, length and speed values of the patterns global for all patterns or only for the
selected pattern. If it is on, then changing the let ring will affect all of the patterns, and when it is off,
only the currently selected one,
Average Vel is the center velocity or the pattern, it starts at the velocity of the trigger you played, but
can also be modulated over time using a midi controller. By default, we use the modulation wheel to
control it,
Deviation is the difference between the lowest and the highest velocity of the MIDI events composing
the pattern, it can also be modulated in real time,
Shuffle adds groove to the pattern, we created a complex algorithm to allow for shuffle without
quantizing, so you keep the realism and are still able to add some groove,
Latch determines if releasing a key will stop the pattern or not, when turned on, pressing a key will
launch the pattern and you will need to press it again to stop it,
Bar Sync will sync your playing to the bars, meaning that whenever you play a key, the pattern will not
start until the next bar starts, this is useful only when working in a sequencer,
Pattern Maker
Creating realistic guitar patterns has never been
easier. You can create strumming and picking
patterns in seconds and even make them of an
infinite size.
Realistic patterns
The patterns mode is very similar to the chord mode,
the chord recognition engine works the same way,
but this time the triggers are not simple strums
anymore, they are a set of patterns that you can
loop, adapt to the tempo or the metrics, change the
velocity in real time using a controller, synch to your
host, add groove to.
You can choose from a large selection of patterns or
create your using the pattern maker and assign them
to each trigger to create a full song in a few clicks.
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