3M 8210 Technical Data Sheet - Page 3

Browse online or download pdf Technical Data Sheet for Respiratory Product 3M 8210. 3M 8210 3 pages. N95 particulate respirator
Also for 3M 8210: User Instructions (18 pages), User Instructions (8 pages)

3M 8210 Technical Data Sheet
Warnings and Use Limitations
Always be sure that the complete product is:
- Suitable for the application;
- Fitted correctly;
- Worn during all periods of exposure;
- Replaced when necessary.
Proper selection, training, use and appropriate maintenance are
essential in order for the product to help protect the wearer from
certain airborne contaminants.
Failure to follow all instructions on the use of these respiratory
protection products and/or failure to properly wear the complete
product during all periods of exposure may adversely aff ect
the wearer's health, lead to severe or life threatening illness or
permanent disability.
For suitability and proper, use follow local regulations, refer to all
information supplied or contact an occupational hygienist, safety
professional or 3M representative on the Tech Assist Helpline 3M
Australia 1800 024 464, 3M New Zealand 0800 364 357.
Before use, the wearer must be trained in use of the complete
product in accordance with applicable Health and Safety
Product Range
Important Notice
3M does not accept liability of any kind, be it direct or consequential (including, but not limited to, loss of profi ts, business and/or goodwill)
arising from reliance upon any information herein provided by 3M. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of the products
for their intended use. Nothing in this statement will be deemed to exclude or restrict 3M's liability for death or personal injury arising from
its negligence.
Occupational Health and
Environmental Safety Division
3M Australia Pty Ltd
950 Pacifi c Highway
Pymble NSW 2073
Phone: 136 136
Fax: 02 9498 9616
TechAssist Helpline: 1800 024 464
Website: www.3M.com/au/ohs
8710 respirator
8210 respirator
8812 respirator
8822 respirator
Occupational Health and
Environmental Safety Division
3M New Zealand Ltd
94 Apollo Drive, Albany,
North Shore City, 0632
Tech Helpline: 0800 364 357
Customer services: 0800 252 627
Fax: 0800 367 253
Website: www.3M.co.nz/safety
These products do not contain components made from natural
rubber latex.
These products do not protect against gases/vapours.
Do not use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5% oxygen.
(3M defi nition. Individual countries may apply their own limits on
oxygen defi ciency.
Seek advice if in doubt).
Do not use for respiratory protection against atmospheric contami-
nants/concentrations which are unknown or immediately danger-
ous to life and health (IDLH).
Do not use with beards or other facial hair that may inhibit
contact between the face and the product thus preventing a
good seal.
Leave the contaminated area immediately if:
a) Breathing becomes diffi cult.
b) Dizziness or other distress occurs.
Discard and replace the respirator if it becomes damaged,
breathing resistance becomes excessive or at the end of the shift.
Never alter, modify or repair this device.
In case of intended use in explosive atmospheres, contact 3M.
Please recycle.
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