DBI SALA 5920041 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Pagina 4

Blader online of download pdf Gebruiksaanwijzing voor {categorie_naam} DBI SALA 5920041. DBI SALA 5920041 8 pagina's. Rebar lanyards for work positioning

F. To any object which is shaped or
dimensioned such that the snap
hook or carabiner will not close and
lock, or that roll-out could occur.
anCHoRage sTRengTH: Anchorages
selected for work positioning systems
shall have a strength capable of
sustaining static loads applied in the
directions permitted by the system of
at least: A) 3,000 pounds (13.3kN)
for non-certified anchorages or B)
Two times the forseeable force for
certified anchorages (see section 8
When more than one work positioning
system is attached to an anchorage, the
strengths previously set forth in (A) and
(B) shall be multiplied by the number of
systems attached to the anchorage.
WarnIng: Do not alter or intentionally misuse this equipment. Consult DBI‑SALA when using this equipment
in combination with components or subsystems other than those described in this manual. Some subsystem
and component combinations may interfere with the operation of this equipment. Use caution when using this
equipment around moving machinery and electrical hazards. Do not loop the lanyard around small structural
WarnIng: Consult your doctor if there is reason to doubt your fitness to safely absorb the shock from a fall
arrest. Age and fitness seriously affect a worker's ability to withstand falls. Pregnant women or minors must not
use DBI‑SALA rebar lanyards.
3.0 Use
beFoRe eaCH use of this equipment, carefully inspect it according to steps listed in section 5 of this manual.
PLan your work positioning system before using this equipment. Consider all factors that will affect your
safety during use of this equipment. Consider the following when planning your system:
a. HaZaRD eVaLuaTIon: Evaluate the job site for all possible hazards. Ensure the intended path of the
user is unobstructed. See section .2 for more information.
b. boDy suPPoRT: DBI-SALA recommends the use of a full body harness with this equipment. A body
belt may be used when it is a part of a full body harness.
C. baCK-uP FaLL PRoTeCTIon: DBI-SALA recommends the use of a personal fall arrest system with
this equipment. See section 1.2 and Figure 2 for more information. Use the personal fall arrest system
according to manufacturer's instructions.
D. ResCue: The authorized person must have a rescue plan and the means at hand to implement it when
using this equipment where a suspension could occur(such as following a fall and self-rescue is not
MaKIng ConneCTIons: When using a hook to connect to an anchorage, ensure roll-out cannot occur.
Roll-out occurs when interference between the hook and mating connector causes the hook gate to
unintentionally open and release. Self-locking snap hooks and carabiners should be used to reduce the
possibility of roll-out. Make sure all connectors close and lock and they do so automatically without manual
assistance. Do not use hooks or connectors that will not completely close over the attachment object. Do
not connect snap hooks or carabiners to each other.
ConneCTIng THe RebaR LanyaRD To youR boDy suPPoRT anD anCHoRage:
a. ConneCTIng To youR boDy suPPoRT: See Figure 5.
Double Leg Rebar Lanyards: Connect one leg of the rebar lanyard to each side D-ring of your body
support (full body harness).
single Leg Rebar Lanyards with D-ring: Lace your waist belt through the D-ring on the rebar
lanyard. With the D-ring installed, buckle and secure your waist belt.
Figure 4 - lnappropriate Connections