Ace 73-600 Instructie- en onderhoudshandleiding - Pagina 4

Blader online of download pdf Instructie- en onderhoudshandleiding voor {categorie_naam} Ace 73-600. Ace 73-600 6 pagina's. Associated equipment portable air cleaner instruction & maintenance manual

l. Remorro tho paef,lters, cd3tor caaton.and th6 hozo nozdo Pull ltre swtvol soal up hom lt|s hoso mom{ng baso to co4/er
asnon t o{tr hsHe tt|o unll Latdl tho dooa dosod ard csro- lho oap b€twoon lho swiv€l baso and th€ hoso tl'.tvol.
Mt lay lho unh on hs slde.
Z Assomblo the caste.s to tho undorsldo ol t|e unlt wih the
sbneen (16) 1/4':20 hex head bolts, lod( vJsshe's and iaI
wa5hors 9aovlfu. Moll.n tho Gwlvel caslors Ioward tho vac
uum Oag€ end of tho unil.
3. Tum lhs unlt uprlghl and lock lh€ swvol cdslors.
5. Assombls ttl€ handlo lo tho end ol t|o unh with th€ two (2)
1/4' - 20 hex bolts and loc*washoG provldod.
4. A$omtt€ ttro nou2l€ to ft€ a.m uslng two 1/4'-20X? hox
bollr, foqr rlal wq8ho.., toqr lock wasl|oas, ard tour hox nul.s.
opedns pornt dorrn (rovrErd* gmA"t
hsld€ of tho Jolnt Erc).
Mah Fltot
Sllo tho ood ol tt|o tlos€ ovot tho nozdo ard Ggsro h ln Dlaco
wlth tho luppfiod bor|d dornp.
6. Instal th€ fihers (two prs-fihors slppliod wlth th€ urlft plus
th€ maln fner sold sopamtety).
To Instal tho s€cond arm, p.ocggd a3follow3:
1. Rornovo lh€ blank plato coverlng lh€ socond tblo. Savo
tlr€ hardwaro.
2. Uslno tho ha.dw6io aomovod In stop I abov€, hstall lh€
socord colls. to tho unh.
3. Mounl lh€ $cond arm ln lh€ ram€ mannot d3 tvaa us€d
lo lnounl lh€ firsl ono.
4. Mourit the hoso ass€mbty lo O|e unlt Uslng tho cotter pin
supdled, o:tach fto shafi ot Or€ hoso swlv€l trom Insld€ tfl€
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