Acer AMS2000 Podręcznik kupującego - Strona 4

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PMS: 329
"Planting 1 Million Trees"
This special edition of the Acer K12 Buyers Guide is dedicated to a noble cause of planting
one million trees in Australia.
Scientists have warned us that the current carbon emission levels are causing global warming. The
issue of climate change is real, not only for our generation but also for the generations to come.
At Acer we don't pretend we can solve the world's problems, but by taking the position of a
corporate citizen we aim to make a positive impact and a small contribution to the environment. Acer
is interested in reducing carbon emissions, in particular those emitted by computing devices.
Planting trees is an effective way to reverse the effects of carbon dioxide emissions through
photosynthesis. Revegetation is also an integral part of any global climate change program. On
average, 1.4 tonnes of timber contain 1 tonne of carbon. These largely continue to be stored in the
timber even after havesting.
Acer is committed to do our part for the environment. Since 2008, we have successfully
planted more than 31,000 trees, this equates to offsetting more than 5,000
tonnes of carbon dioxide. Our goal now is pure and simple, we want to
accelerate our tree plantation process, and with your help, Acer will plant
a million trees within the next 2 years. To kick start this effort, for every
purchase of a system in this "Green" edition of the Acer K12 Buyers Guide
Acer will plant up to 10 trees in Australia.
Please support us in our goal and at the same time enjoy Acer's award
winning range of products at great value prices.
For more information on carbon footprint and our tree planting efforts, please visit the website of Acer's
environmental partner: Trees For Life –