DPA 4011 Podręcznik użytkownika - Strona 3

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DPA 4011 Podręcznik użytkownika
The cartridge
Types 4021, 4022, 4023, 4026, 4027 and 4028 are Cardioid
(Pressure gradient) microphones that use the same microphone
capsule as the s tandard microphones Types 4011, 4012, 4015 and
4016. The Compact Cardioid Microphones use a 19mm diameter
prepolarized pressure gradient condenser microphone cartridge.
Type 4021, 4022 and 4023 offer a first order cardioid pick-up pat-
tern, the Type 4026, 4027 and 4028 offer a wide cardioid pattern
(see Fig. 2 & 3).
The diaphragm is highly resis tant to the most aggressive kinds of
humidity. The large spacing between the diaphragm and the back
plate in this cartridge makes the microphone highly insensitive to
temperature influence and allows greater SPL handling before
clipping occurs.
Type 4021, 4022 and 4023 are designed to have a linear on-axis
response from 40Hz to 20kHz (±2dB) measured at 30cm dista n c e
(see Fig. 4). Type 4026, 4027 and 4028 are designed to have a
linear on-axis response from 40Hz (±2dB) to 20kHz (+3/-1dB) meas-
ured at 60cm dis tance (see Fig. 5) and are fur thermore intentionally
calibrated with a slight high-frequency soft boost.Great attention
has also been paid to the microphone's off-axis perf o rmance during
the design process (see Fig. 4 & 5 ).
The diaphragm is protected from dust by an acoustically transparent
net behind the front protection grid and inside the back port of th e
c a rt r i d ge. For optimum stability the microphone cart r i d ge has
undergone a special pre-aging process, which s tabilizes all tensions
in the materials as well as the polarization voltage.
The preamplifier
The Compact Cardioid and Compact Wide Cardioid Microphones use
built-in ultra-small, thick-film preamplifiers with unity-gain, low noise
FET-amplifier technology. The thick-film technology enables the
microphone cartridge to be mounted on an exceptionally compact
microphone housing with the preamplifier mounted directly behind
the microphone cartridge. A circuit of passive components in the
standard 3-pin XLR connector adapts the P48 phantom powering,
separates the supply voltage from the audio signal and acts as an