Danish Interpretation Systems PS 6000 Podręcznik użytkownika - Strona 7
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Danish Interpretation Systems
PS 6000 Power Supply
General description
The PS 6000 Power Supply provides additional
Power for the DCS 6000 system.
One CU 6010 Central Unit is needed in each DCS
6000 system, however for expansion of the system
the PS 6000 Power Supply is suitable. The PS 6000
consist of:
One Power Supply
Control electronic for detecting system power
The main features of the PS 6000 Power Supply
Built in Power Supply for app 60 units
(Delegates) or app. 150 Channel Selectors
One connector for connection to Delegate
Units, Interpreter Units etc.
One connector for connection previous unit (i.e.
CU 6010.
System design
There are no settings to be done on the PS 6000
Power Supply.
However it is important to observe, that the unit is
only adding power to one of the chains on the CU
6010 Central Unit.
And as so, the specification, which applies to each
of the chain outputs on the CU 6010 Central Unit,
does also apply to the output on the PS 6000.
Delayed switching on of power to minimise the
total 'switch-on' current on the Mains supply.
Designed in a small size easy-to-install cabinet.
The PS 6000 Power Supply features the following
Power connector
Connection for main power.
Loop through connectors
RJ45 connector, 2 pieces
DCS-LAN connectors used for connection to the
CU 6000/CU 6010 and for connection to other units
with DCS-LAN connectors such as more PS 6000.
Power LED
Those green LED light up when Power is available
on the connector next to the LED
And the PS 6000 is NOT a repeater, which means
that the maximum cable length in a chain (which
without repeater is 200 m) has to be calculated from
the last unit with repeater functionality (typically a
CU 6000, CU 6010, EX 6010 or RP 6004) to the
last unit connected to the PS 6000.
This includes interconnection cables between the
Manual 01 18 04450
User Manual