3xLogic VISIX 360 Instrukcja instalacji - Strona 5

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Również dla 3xLogic VISIX 360: Instrukcja instalacji sprzętu (16 strony)

3xLogic VISIX	360 Instrukcja instalacji
Safety   I nstruction  
These   i nstructions   a re   i ntended   t o   e nsure   t hat   t he   u ser   c an   u se   t he   p roduct   c orrectly   t o   a void   d anger   o r   p roperty  
The   p recaution   m easure   i s   d ivided   i nto   ' Warnings'   a nd   ' Cautions':  
Warnings:   S erious   i njury   o r   d eath   m ay   b e   c aused   i f   a ny   o f   t hese   w arnings   a re   n eglected.  
Cautions:   I njury   o r   e quipment   d amage   m ay   b e   c aused   i f   a ny   o f   t hese   c autions   a re   n eglected.  
Warnings   F ollow   t hese   s afeguards   t o  
prevent   s erious   i njury   o r   d eath.  
Please   a dopt   t he   p ower   a dapter   w hich   c an   m eet   t he   s afety   e xtra   l ow   v oltage   ( SELV)   s tandard.   A nd   s ource  
with   1 2   V DC   o r   2 4   V AC   ( depending   o n   m odels)   a ccording   t o   t he   I EC60950-­‐1   a nd   L imited   P ower   S ource  
If   t he   p roduct   d oes   n ot   w ork   p roperly,   p lease   c ontact   y our   d ealer   o r   t he   n earest   s ervice   c enter.   N ever  
attempt   t o   d isassemble   t he   c amera   y ourself.   ( We   s hall   n ot   a ssume   a ny   r esponsibility   f or   p roblems   c aused  
by   u nauthorized   r epair   o r   m aintenance.)  
To   r educe   t he   r isk   o f   f ire   o r   e lectrical   s hock,   d o   n ot   e xpose   t his   p roduct   t o   r ain   o r   m oisture.  
This   i nstallation   s hould   b e   m ade   b y   a   q ualified   s ervice   p erson   a nd   s hould   c onform   t o   a ll   t he   l ocal   c odes.  
Please   i nstall   b lackouts   e quipment   i nto   t he   p ower   s upply   c ircuit   f or   c onvenient   s upply   i nterruption.    
Please   m ake   s ure   t hat   t he   c eiling   c an   s upport   m ore   t han   5 0(N)   N ewton   g ravities   i f   t he   c amera   i s   f ixed   t o  
the   c eiling.  
If   t he   p roduct   d oes   n ot   w ork   p roperly,   p lease   c ontact   y our   d ealer   o r   t he   n earest   s ervice   c enter.   N ever  
attempt   t o   d isassemble   t he   c amera   y ourself.   ( We   s hall   n ot   a ssume   a ny   r esponsibility   f or   p roblems   c aused  
by   u nauthorized   r epair   o r   m aintenance.)  
10225  Westmoor  Drive,  Suite  300,  Westminster,  CO  80021  |  www.3xlogic.com  |  (877)  3XLOGIC
Hardware  Install  Manual  |   V ISIX   3 60   N etwork   C amera  
Cautions   F ollow   t hese   p recautions   t o  
prevent   p otential   i njury   o r   m aterial  