M-40-36 Podręcznik użytkownika - Strona 2

Przeglądaj online lub pobierz pdf Podręcznik użytkownika dla Gramofon M-40-36. M-40-36 2 stron. Compact turntables for 360 product photography and 3d-scanning

1. Features
M Series turntables with manual rotation are designed for 360 product photography and 3D-
scanning objects. Every turntable has a sector markup with special pins on a bottom side of
the disc. And there are three 'stopping' pins on turntable's base. Combine the top and bottom
pins with a finger to set the desired sector. If necessary, you can photograph with twice
smaller number of angles on one revolution. For this purpose, the pins has two different
colors. Use only one color (every odd pin) to photograph with smaller number of angles.
2. Complete set of M Series turntable
Standard complete set includes:
1. Turntable
2. Replaceable circle of white plastic
3. Technical data
Disc diameter
Number of angles (sectors)
Max. load on center
4. Shooting process with M series turntable
1) Place the turntable on a flat surface: floor, desk or into light cube, depending on chosen
lighting scheme and product size. If necessary, hang a background behind the turntable.
2) Arrange and turn on lights.
3) Mount your camera on a tripod, set an optimum lens focal length (usually in the range 50
mm - 120 mm). Shooting distance from the object to camera must be much larger than the
object's size (not less than 4-5 times) to show the correct proportions and shape of the
object. Make sure that the front edge of turntable disc and also its left and right edges are
outside the frame. You do not need to process images after shooting if there is nothing
stranger in the frame and the exposition is adjusted properly. Use a cable release or remote
control to reduce the risk of shifting your camera during shooting. These precautions will
save you time later.
4) You cover the turntable with white plastic or paper circle, then place a product to the
center. Rotate the disc left and right by hand to check: product placed exactly in the center
or not. If necessary, center the product. You can see that some products of asymmetric
shape looks better while placed not exactly to the center. Try rotating such product and
moving it near the center, and you will find a position, that is more pleasant to your eye. This
is the correct place.
5) Set the first shooting angle. Slide nearest pin (under the disc) with your finger to the
stopping pin (located on the bottom side) until it stops your finger. Now the product is set on
the first angle, all is ready to first shoot.
6) Take a picture. Then turn the disc to the next angle: slide next pin to the stopping pin.
Take the next shot. And so on until a complete revolution of the disc.
7 kg
60 cm
36, 48, 64 or 72
50 kg
62 х 60 х 5 cm
If you are not sure that you have photographed full turn, make a few extra shots (angles).
You can delete extra images lately.
If you want, you can photograph with twice smaller number of angles on one turn. For this
purpose the pins has different colors. Colors alternate one after the other. To photograph
with smaller number of angles use only one color.
7) After shooting, copy images of photographed product to your computer and put them into
a separate folder. Name the folder according to name or article of this product. Then you can
easily find pictures later.
If your camera has no direct connection to computer, there is another solution: make an
empty frames - "space" between shooting different products. For example, take photos of an
empty turntable without a product, or color card, or your hand. After shooting session you
will copy files to your computer and separate images series from each other. Empty frames
will really help you.
5. Terms of use
Use the turntable in clean, dry room at temperature from 0° to 40°C with loads not
exceeding 50 kg. Do not store or operate the turntable at high humidity (over 90%). Avoid
6. Lifetime
Lifetime of the turntable - 5 years.
7. Warranty
Manufacturer guarantees the serviceability of the turntable within 6 months from the date of
sale subject to Terms of use.