Hiddn KRYPTODISK Instrukcja szybkiej instalacji

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As any type of storage devices may occasionally fail we
strongly recommend that you store and back up any
valuable or critical data according to the rules provided
by your IT-department (or using at least two
independent storage devices).

General information

Please read through this guide
thoroughly before powering up
your KryptoDisk USB device. This
is an encrypted USB disk
providing some unique security
features you must be aware of.
These are described in the
sections "Security information"
and "Important security functions"
further down in the document.
First time use
Step 1. Initialise
Plug your KryptoDisk to a USB
computer device (PC) and follow
instructions on the display.
Restart by unplugging the
KryptoDisk from the USB device
and plug the cable back in the
KryptoDisk. The disk is now

Security information

Data Recovery
An unfortunate user entering the
wrong PIN/passphrase too many
times does not have to face
erased data, but may still recover
from the situation of a locked
storage device by entering the
Important security functions from the admin menu
Admin menu
To enter the Admin menu press
and hold the '0' key while
powering on the device. Please
note that if you hold the '*' key for
more than 1 second the device
will switch off again.
Use the '0' key to navigate in the
Admin menu.
Hiddn accepts no liability for any consequential, incidental, direct or indirect damage (including but not limited to loss of business profits, business interruption,
loss of business information and similar events causing losses to business) arising from any action and/or inaction based on information contained in this
document. Hiddn does not accept any liability for any loss of data and/or company and/or personal information that may result from any action and/or inaction
based on information contained in this document. Users are instructed to make backups of all data prior to installation of any device or products described
herein. All Hiddn KryptoDisk parts are Hiddn parts, and Hiddn does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect loss related to the handling and/or
mishandling of any of the parts and/or combination of the parts provided in this package. Hiddn reserve the rights to at any time and without notification
change its offer and/or price and/or availability of parts.
Rev. no 1.01.KD-SHE-05.10.17.
Hiddn's advantage
Designed, produced and assembled in Norway
All trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective owners
Plug and Play
Easy to use
KryptoDisk can be used straight
KryptoDisk comes with a bright,
out of the box and does not
easy to read OLED display that
require any software or drivers to
informs the user about the status
be installed prior to use. It is
of the device.
compatible with various operating
system (OS). Before first time use
KryptoDisk offers a full
you will need to format the
alphanumeric keyboard enabling
the user to enter passphrases in a
T-9 style format as known from
Before you can start using the
mobile users.
KryptoDisk you will be asked to
initialise and create a PIN and a
PUK code.
Step 2. PUK code
Step 3. PIN code
You will now be asked to select
After PUK is accepted the
and type in a PUK code. The
KryptoDisk will ask you to select
criteria for your PUK code are a
and type in a PIN code. The
combination of 12-16 digits.
criteria for PIN code are a
Select your PUK code, press enter
combination of 7-16 digits.
and then confirm your PUK.
Please retype and the disk will
ready for formatting.
Two – factor authentication
Security recommendation
Hiddn's unique and secure value
To ensure the best security for
proposition is that the encryption
your device and protection of your
key is stored encrypted on the
data we recommend that you
smart card and deleted from the
keep the smart card and
KryptoDisk when the unit is
KryptoDisk separate from each
switched off.
other when in use.
The user can only access the
Two-factor authentication require
device by inserting the smart card
you to have both smart card, PIN
and entering users' PIN.
and the KryptoDisk to be able to
access data stored on the device.
Erase all data
Some situations require that you
This function restore the device
delete all information on the hard
back to factory settings.
drive but keep the PIN and PUK.
All data will be permanently
The function "erase all data" will
erased and creation of a new
make sure that all data are
PIN/PUK are required.
permanently deleted – similar to
wiping out a hard disk. The data
This function is useful if the
cannot be recovered.
KryptoDisk changes owner/user.
Step 4. Formatting the disk
Please use Disk manager
(Microsoft OS) to initialise and
format your KryptoDisk. If you
need guidance, please follow this
After formatting the disk drive
your KryptoDisk is ready for use.
All data encryption keys are
stored in Common Criteria EAL 5+
certified tokens (Smart Cards).
Users can change PIN.
A PUK can reopen the Smart Card
and the user can set a new PIN.
To many failed attempts to enter
PUK will zeroize your KryptoDisk,
data is lost and unit is set back to
factory settings.
the KryptoDisk according to "First
time use"
Other admin features
Admin menu provides you with
detailed system information,
enables you to change the device
name and change PIN.
Formatting the disk drive
Re-start using