DBI SALA 5900080 Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 2

Przeglądaj online lub pobierz pdf Instrukcja obsługi dla Sprzęt bezpieczeństwa DBI SALA 5900080. DBI SALA 5900080 8 stron. Rebar lanyards for work positioning

The following options are available for positioning lanyards:
DoubLe Leg RebaR LanyaRDs
Legs: Web or Chain
Connection between legs and center: O-ring or swivel
Leg: 9503175 snap hook, 9500100 swivel snap hook, 9510057 flat snap hook, 2000000 clevis snap hook,
9502116 3600 lb. gate snap hook, 2109193 3600 lb gate flat snap hook, 9502156 3600 lb. gate clevis
snap hook.
Center: 200753 snap hook, 9502058 3,600 lb. gate snap hook, 200006 carabiner, 200008 carabiner.
sIngLe Leg RebaR LanyaRDs
Legs: Web or Chain
Connection between legs and center: O-ring or swivel
Leg: 9503175 snap hook, 9500100 swivel snap hook, 9510057 flat snap hook, 2000000 clevis snap hook,
9502116 3600 lb. gate snap hook, 2109193 3600 lb gate flat snap hook, 9502156 3600 lb. gate clevis
snap hook.
Center: 200753 snap hook, 9502058 3,600 lb. gate snap hook, 200006 carabiner, 200008 carabiner.
PuRPose: The rebar lanyards are intended to be used as part of work positioning system that holds and
supports the user at a work location. Applications include concrete rebar assembly and steel erection. OSHA
standard 1926.500 defines this equipment as part of a positioning device system.
LIMITaTIons: Consider the following application limitations before using this equipment:
a. CaPaCITy: This equipment is designed for use by persons with a combined weight (including tools,
clothing, etc.) of no more than 310 lbs.
FRee FaLL: This equipment must be rigged to limit the potential free fall to 2 feet, according to OSHA 1926.502.
C. FaLL CLeaRanCe: Ensure that adequate clearance exists in your fall path to prevent striking an object.
The clearance required is dependent on the length and type of lanyard and anchorage location.
D. PeRsonaL FaLL aRResT sysTeM: See Figure 2. DBI-SALA recommends the use of a personal fall
arrest system with this equipment. The personal fall arrest system will protect the user if the work
positioning system disengages from the anchorage point, or when detached from the work positioning
system when moving from point to point. See OSHA 926.50 and 926.053.
enVIRonMenTaL HaZaRDs: Use of this equipment in areas where environmental hazards are present
may require additional precautions to reduce the possibility of injury to the user or damage to the equipment.
Hazards may include, but are not limited to; high heat, sever cold, caustic chemicals, corrosive environments,
high voltage power lines, explosive or toxic gases, moving machinery, or sharp edges.
TRaInIng: This equipment is intended to be used
by persons trained in its correct application and use.
aPPLICabLe sTanDaRDs: Refer to national
standards, including the ANSI Z359 family of standards
on fall protection, ANSI A0.32, and applicable local,
state, and federal (OSHA) requirements governing
occupational safety, for more information on work
positioning systems.
Figure 2 - Personal Fall arrest system
Dorsal D-ring
Full Body
Harness with
Waist Belt
Self Retracting Lifeline
(Back-up fall protection)