ADESCO MQ03 LTE-M Podręcznik instalacji i konfiguracji - Strona 10
Przeglądaj online lub pobierz pdf Podręcznik instalacji i konfiguracji dla Telefon komórkowy ADESCO MQ03 LTE-M. ADESCO MQ03 LTE-M 11 stron. Global sim universal communicators
Configuring Teletek Eclipse series
Following the instructions from the "Select the type of the panel section" and select the type of the panel to be Teletek Eclipse.
In the Pass1 field you should enter the PCID password of the Teletek panel. If you haven't changed it, it should be 1234 by default. In the Pass2
you should enter the code of a valid user in the Teletek panel. It can be installer's code or user's code.
If you don't enter anything, the default values are 1234 and 7777 respectively. If you are using the ProSTE software, these are the two passwords
that you need to access the panel via the software. We recommend entering some user's code and not the installer's code for Pass2. You can
even create a user that has limited permissions in the panel and use that user only for the communicator. Also, you will need Pass2 to be a valid
manager's code and not an installer's code if you need to allow remote arming and disarming.
Press Save to persist the new settings.
Restart the device (either from the power, or by sending Restart command from the communicator info page).
The version of the firmware of the communicator should be 4.2.16 or above. To update remotely the firmware, refer to the Remote Firmware
Update section. Test if the communication with the panel is ok. Arm and disarm the panel and generate some alarm event and check if you will
receive the events as expected.
Configuring Paradox Family panels
Follow the instructions from the "Select the type of the panel section" and select the type of the panel to be one of the supported Paradox
The Paradox serial port communication protocol is uni-directional. This means that the panel sends events on the serial port but does not wait
for confirmation that the communicator has actually received them. This means that there is a small probability that some events are missed.
This might happen if there are strong external electromagnetic influences, for example if there is a radio transmitter in the same box where the
alarm panel and the communicator are installed. For this reason, we highly recommend that you also configure a PGM of the panel to be
activated on alarm event and to connect it to an input of the communicator. In this case you will have a backup general alarm event. You will
receive the general alarm from the input of the panel and the event with the information about the zone from the serial bus.
Configuring Texecom Premier & Elite panels
Following the instructions from the "Select the type of the panel section" and select the type of the panel to be Texecom.
In the Pass1 field you should enter the UDL password of the Texecom panel. If you haven't changed it, it should be 1234 by default.
Configuring Remote Control of the panel
The MQ03 communicators can add smart features to new and existing alarm systems. You can monitor current status of the system, look back in
the events history and receive real-time notifications for important events. Even more, you can remotely arm/disarm the alarm panel from a
You can download the mobile application for Android - Google Play ("RControl ") and for iOS - AppStore ("Residence Control"). Please find below
links for how to:
To enable the remote arm/disarm feature, both the alarm panel and the communicator should be properly configured. For some of the alarm
panels, the remote arming/disarming can be done via the serial port. For others, it can be done via the keyswitch feature of the panel. No matter
what option you choose, you will need to create an end user for the mobile application and you will need to grant permissions for remote
arming/disarming (refer to "Granting remote access to users" section).
Configuring the Keyswitch option
You can remotely arm and disarm virtually any alarm panel that supports Momentary Keyswitch Arming.
The general principle of working is as follows:
You should configure an output of the communicator as keyswitch. You should connect this output to a zone of the panel that is configured as a
momentary keyswitch. When momentary activated, the output of the communicator will switch to ground for a predefined interval of time. Each
pulse would alternately arm/disarm the system.
The communicator needs feedback from the alarm panel if it is actually armed or disarmed. For that reason, you should also configure a PGM of
the alarm panel to activate (switch to ground) when the panel is armed and to deactivate when disarmed. You should connect this PGM to an
input of the communicator that is configured as Status Feedback input.
Note! The keyswitch zone of the panel should be attached to Partitio n 1.
Partition 1. Currently you can arm/disarm remotely via keyswitch only Partition 1.
Configuring the keyswitch feature of the communicator
To configure an output of the communicator as keyswitch, from the administrative web site, navigate to the Commands->Alarm Settings page.
Check the "Enable Online Settings" check box and press "Get Current Settings" button to read settings from the device. The device should be
powered and connected to the server, otherwise these fields will be disabled.
In the Pins section, choose the terminal you want to configure and select the Keyswitch option from the dropdown list. For some MQ03 models,
only the IN1 terminal can be configured as keyswitch. For other MQ03 models, one of three terminals IN1, IN7 and IN8 can be configured as
keyswitch. Once you choose the Keyswitch option for the terminal, a dialog will appear that will allow you to configure some of the parameters
of the keyswitch:
"Peripheral Name" - the name which will appear as label in the mobile application.
"Impulse" - how long the impulse should be. It depends on the configuration of the alarm panel itself but usually the default value of 1000ms (1
second) is appropriate.
"Feedback Input" - select the input of the communicator where you will connect the feedback PGM of the alarm panel which will report if the
panel is actually armed or disarmed.
GSM/GPRS Communicator MQ03 User Manual Version 1.1
The PGM of the alarm panel should also reflect to the arming status of
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