Gardebruk DBLL001 Podręcznik - Strona 5

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Gardebruk DBLL001 Podręcznik
The leaf blower / leaf blower with or without
chopping device is suitable for picking up waste
leaves in the collec�ng container and for
blowing waste in the desired direc�on. The
device is not suitable for use in buildings, for
absorbing water or for the care of pets.
The device must not be operated by children or
infirm persons without supervision.
Improper use
All applica�ons with the leaf blower / leaf
blower that are not men�oned in the chapter
"Intended Use" are considered as improper
The user of the leaf extractor / leaf blower is
liable for all resul�ng material damage as well
as personal injury resul�ng from misuse.
When using other or not original components
on the leaf extractor / leaf blower manufactur-
ers void the warranty.
Risks Even if the tool is used properly, there is
always a certain residual risk that can not be
ruled out. The following poten�al hazards can
be deduced from the type and construc�on of
the tool:
- Inhala�on of cu�ng material par�cles
- Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can
be pulled into the air intake opening. Keep long
hair away from the air inlet.
- Use the device with damaged protec�ve
devices or shields or missing safety devices.
Important safety instructions:
Please read all safety and opera�ng instruc�ons
carefully before using this product. Please pay
par�cular a�en�on to all areas of this user
manual which carry warning symbols and
This device is not intended to be used by
persons (including children) with limited
physical, sensory or mental capabili�es, or lack
of experience and / or lack of knowledge.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the device.
1. Read the instruc�ons carefully. Be familiar
with the controls and the correct use of the
2. Never allow children to use the device.
3. Never allow people who are not familiar with
these instruc�ons to operate the device. Local
regula�ons may limit the age of the operator.
4. Never operate the device while people,
especially children, or pets are nearby.
5. The operator or user is responsible for
accidents or hazards of other persons or their
1. Always wear appropriate footwear and long
pants while opera�ng the unit.
2. Dress properly - Do not wear loose clothing
or jewelry. They can get caught in moving parts.
The use of rubber gloves and appropriate
footwear is recommended for outdoor use.
3. Wear hair protec�on to restrain long hair.
Wear safety goggles during opera�on.
4. Wearing a dust mask is recommended to
prevent dust irrita�on.
5. Check the power supply and extension cable
for signs of damage and aging before use. Do
not use the device if the cable is damaged or
6. Do not operate the device with damaged
protec�ve shields or covers, or without being in
place, safety devices such as safety devices. B.
the Unratsammler.
7. Only use weatherproof extension cables with
plug connec�on according to IEC 60320-2-3.
1. Always point the cable away from the
2. If the cable is damaged during opera�on,
disconnect the cable immediately from the
power supply. DO NOT TOUCH THE CABLE
Do not use the device if the cable is damaged or
3. Do not carry the device by the cable.
4. Avoid Dangerous Environments - Do not use
the unit in humid or wet environments.
5. Disconnect the unit from the power supply
whenever you leave the machine before remov-
ing any obstruc�on, before checking, cleaning
or working on the unit, or if the unit begins to
vibrate abnormally.
6. Operate the device only in daylight or in good
ar�ficial light.
7. Do not reach over and keep your balance at
all �mes.
8. Make sure you always have a firm foo�ng on
9. Go, never run.
10. Keep all cooling air inlets free from contam-
11. Never blow rubbish in the direc�on of
12. The device should be supplied with a
tripping current of not more than 30mA by
means of a residual current circuit breaker.
Maintenance and storage
1. Make sure that all nuts, bolts and bolts are
�ghtened to ensure that the unit is in a safe
opera�ng condi�on.
2. Check the dirt collector for wear and aging.
3. Replace worn or damaged parts.
4. Only use original spare parts and accessories.
5. Store sta�onary equipment inside - Equip-
ment should be stored indoors, in dry and high
or locked places - out of the reach of children -
when not in use.
6. Do not misuse the cord to carry the power
tool, hang it up, or unplug it from the power
outlet. Keep the cable away from heat, oil,
sharp edges or moving parts of the equipment.
If the power cord of this equipment is
damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer or its service agent or a
similarly qualified person to avoid
- A sensa�on of �ngling or numbness on hands
is an indica�on of excessive vibra�on. Limit the
usage �me, take a sufficiently long break, divide
the work into several persons or wear an�-vi-
bra�on protec�ve gloves when using the device
for a long �me.
- A certain amount of noise caused by this
device is unavoidable. Move noise-intensive
work to legal and designated �mes. If neces-
sary, keep to rest periods and limit the
working �me to the bare essen�als. For your
personal protec�on and protec�on of nearby
persons, suitable hearing protec�on must be
Do not use the device in bad weather condi-
�ons, especially in the event of thunder-
WARNING symbols
Cau�on! Read the opera�on manual
and follow the warnings and safety
goggles and earmuffs!
Always switch off the appliance,
disconnect the power and wait �ll
the machine comes to a stands�ll
prior to maintenance, cleaning or
repair work!
Protect from the damp.
Keep safety distance.
Risk of injury from sharp edges pay
a�en�on to your fingers and 1 toes.
Danger from rota�ng tool holding
fem-openings, as long as the wing
rotates wheel.