Panasonic AG-HMC80PJ Podręcznik - Strona 10

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Panasonic AG-HMC80PJ Podręcznik
ouTpuTing To YouTube
You might want to share your movie with the world on YouTube. From Final
Cut Pro 7, this is very easy to do.
Note: You must, of course, have a YouTube account in order to upload your
movie. To publish your movie on YouTube, follow these simple steps:
sTeP #1 - ClICk on fIle > sHaRe
This opens up the share window. Here you will find a
drop down window for a number of devices.
sTeP #2 – seleCT YoUTUbe
Click on YouTube.
sTeP #3 – PUblIsH To YoUTUbe
Click on Publish to YouTube. This opens a slide out panel
where you enter your username, password and information
about your movie.