Archos AVCam300 Podręcznik użytkownika - Strona 6

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Viewing your photos and videos

You will, no doubt, have many files on your AV300 over time, and the best way to find them is to
make a clear directory structure and store them in an orderly fashion. For example, you might
want to use the path HD/Video/Camcorder/Spring-vacation for all your videos of your spring
vacation instead of mixing everything together in Video. The more you store your photos, videos,
and music in bulk in folders, the more difficult it will be to find the files you want to play.
!Going to the photo and video mode via
the main screen icons
There are two ways of accessing the recording screens for taking photos or videos. If you use
only method ! above, the default folders for saving photo images and video segments will be the
Photo and Video folders respectively. Thus afterwards, you will find all your pictures or videos
in those two folders.
If you browse to a subfolder which is in the Photo folder or the Video
folder and then use the Record function button ", then your photo or video file will be saved
directly into that folder. This is much more convenient for storing your files in an orderly fashion.
After you have done this once, each time you use the main screen icons to take a picture or video,
it will save the files to the folder that you last used when you used the Record button.
To view a video or photo that you have taken, just use your browser to go to that file and click on
START !. Remember, when viewing photos, you can zoom up to three levels of magnification
on a photo if you like, or you can view multiple images on the screen (4 or 9 images).
" Going to the photo and video mode
via the Record button.


uestion: My photos are out of focus or blurred. What can I do?
nswer: This is often due to the fact of using the digital zoom or the optical zoom. When
zooming in on objects, you must have a very steady hand to hold the camera when pressing the
shutter button. Any shakiness is magnified and often renders the picture blurry. Also, shooting in
low light conditions will force the shutter to stay open longer and thus any camera movement or
fast movement in the camera's sight, will be blurred. Trying to take pictures of objects closer than
40cm (16 inches) will also give out of focus results.
uestion: Sometimes while I am recording video, the zoom does not react or is slow in
reacting. Is this normal?
nswer: During a video recording, there is a write process from the internal buffers to the hard
drive every one minute or so. During this time (approximately five seconds), a red hourglass will
appear on the top of the screen and you will not be allowed to zoom in or out during this write
uestion: Can I change the exposure time when I take a photo?
nswer: The camera has an automatic exposure system and cannot be set manually. Depending
on the lighting conditions and the flash mode, it will adjust anywhere from 1/1000 of a second to 1
roblem: There is a flicker on the screen when using the camcorder.
olution: This may be due to the indoor lighting. Try changing the screen display type by going
to the Setup > Display > TV Standard. Use PAL for Europe and NTSC for North America.
roblem: The Camera and the Camcorder icons are grayed out and I cannot select them.
olution: There are two possible reasons for this. One, the camera is not securely connected to
the AV300. Take if off and when you reinsert it, make sure both sides of the connection click into
place. The second reason may be that you connected the camera to the AV300 without shutting
off the AV300 first. Shut off the AV300 and restart it again.