Pioneer GM-DX874 Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 3

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Pioneer GM-DX874 Instrukcja obsługi

Before you start

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firmware updates) for your product.
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details in our files in the event of loss or theft.
Do not turn up the volume so high that you
Access owner's manuals, spare parts infor-
can t hear what s around you.
mation, service information, and much
Use caution or temporarily discontinue use
in potentially hazardous situations.
Do not use headphones while operating a
The Safety of Your Ears is in
motorized vehicle; the use of headphones
Your Hands
may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in
many areas.
Get the most out of your equipment by playing
it at a safe level—a level that lets the sound
come through clearly without annoying blar-
Before connecting/
ing or distortion and, most importantly, with-
out affecting your sensitive hearing. Sound
installing the amplifier
can be deceiving. Over time, your hearing
"comfort level" adapts to higher volumes of
sound, so what sounds "normal" can actually
This product contains chemicals known to the
be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard
State of California and other governmental en-
against this by setting your equipment at a
tities tocause cancer and birth defects or
safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.
other reproductive harm. Wash hands after
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided
Set your volume control at a low setting.
for ventilation to ensure reliable operation of
Slowly increase the sound until you can
the product, and to protect it from overheat-
hear it comfortably and clearly, without
ing. To prevent fire hazard, the openings
should never be blocked or covered with items
Once you have established a comfortable
(such as papers, floor mat, cloths).
sound level, set the dial and leave it there.
This unit is for vehicles with a 12 V battery and
negative grounding. Before installing in re-
creational vehicles, trucks or buses, check the
Do not turn up the volume so high that you
battery voltage.
can't hear what's around you.
When installing this unit, make sure to con-
Use caution or temporarily discontinue use
nect the ground wire first. Ensure that the
in potentially hazardous situations.
ground wire is properly connected to metal
Do not use headphones while operating a
parts of the car s body. The ground wire of the
motorized vehicle; the use of headphones
one of this unit must be connected to the car
may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in
separately with different screws. If the screw
many areas.
for the ground wire loosens or falls out, it
could result in fire, generation of smoke or
Before connecting/
Be sure to install the fuse to the battery wire.
Always use a fuse of the rating prescribed.
The use of an improper fuse could result in
overheating and smoke, damage to the pro-
This product contains chemicals known to the
duct and injury, including burns.
State of California and other governmental
entities tocause cancer and birth defects or
other reproductive harm. Wash hands after
Check the connections of the power supply
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided
and speakers if the fuse of the separately sold
for ventilation to ensure reliable operation
battery wire or the amplifier fuse blows. Deter-
of the product, and to protect it from over-
mine and resolve the cause, then replace the
heating. To prevent fire hazard, the openings
fuse with and identical equivalent.
should never be blocked or covered with items
(such as papers, floor mat, cloths).
Always install the amplifier on a flat surface.
This unit is for vehicles with a 12 V battery and
Do not install the amplifier on a surface that
negative grounding. Before installing in rec-
is not flat or on a surface with a protrusion.
reational vehicles, trucks or buses, check the
Doing so could result in malfunction.
battery voltage.
When installing the amplifier, do not allow
When installing this unit, make sure to connect
parts such as extra screws to get caught be-
the ground wire first. Ensure that the ground
tween the amplifier and the automobile.
wire is properly connected to the metal parts
Doing so could cause malfunction.
of the car's body. The ground wire of the one
Do not allow this unit to come into contact
of this unit must be connected to the car sepa-
with liquids. Electrical shock could result.
rately with different screws. If the screw for the
Also, damage to this unit, smoke, and over-
ground wire loosens or falls out, it could result
heating could result from contact with liquids.
in fire, generation of smoke or malfunction.
The surfaces of the amplifier and any attached
Be sure to install the fuse to the battery wire.
speakers may also heat up and cause minor
Always use a fuse of the rating prescribed.
The use of an improper fuse could result in
overheating and smoke, damage to the prod-
In the event of any abnormality, the power
uct, and injury, including burns.
supply to the amplifier is cut off to prevent
Check the connections of the power supply
equipment malfunction. If this occurs, switch
and speakers if the fuse of the separately
the system power off and check the power
sold battery wire or the amplifier fuse blows.
supply and speaker connections. If you are un-
Determine and resolve the cause, then
able to determine the cause, please contact
replace the fuse with and identical equivalent.
your dealer.
Always install the amplifier on a flat surface.
Always disconnect the negative * terminal of
Do not install the amplifier on a surface that
the battery beforehand to avoid the risk of
is not flat or on a surface with a protrusion.
electric shock or short circuit during installa-
Doing so could result in malfunction.
When installing the amplifier, do not allow
Do not attempt to disassemble or modify this
parts such as extra screws to get caught
unit. Doing so may result in fire, electric
between the amplifier and the automobile.
shock or other malfunction.
Doing so could cause malfunction.
Do not allow this unit to come into contact with
liquids. Electrical shock could result. Also, dam-
age to this unit, smoke, and overheating could
Always keep the volume low enough to hear
result from contact with liquids. The surfaces
outside sounds.
of the amplifier and any attached speakers may
Extended use of the car stereo while the en-
also heat up and cause minor burns.
gine is at rest or idling may exhaust the bat-
In the event of any abnormality, the power supply
to the amplifier is cut off to prevent equipment
This product is evaluated in moderate and tro-
malfunction. If this occurs, switch the system
pical climate condition under the Audio, video
power off and check the power supply and
speaker connections. If you are unable to deter-
and similar electronic apparatus - Safety re-
mine the cause, please contact your dealer.
quirements, IEC 60065.