Lenovo Phab Plus Podręcznik użytkownika - Strona 10

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Lenovo Phab Plus Podręcznik użytkownika
Search keywords
You can also type keywords into the address bar to search the webpages.
You can set a search engine in
Add a new webpage
Tap the blank tab on the top, or tap
> New incognito tab to visit a website without leaving a trace.
Close a webpage
to close a webpage tab.
Refresh a webpage
to refresh a webpage.
to go forward to a recent webpage.
Saving webpages
You can save images and webpages in your device's internal storage.
Save images
Tap and hold the image, then tap Save image .
Bookmark webpages
, then tap Save to add a webpage to Bookmark.
> Bookmarks , to view BOOKMARKS.
> Settings > Advanced > Accessibility to set the text scaling and the force
enable zoom.
> Settings > Basics > Search engine.
> New tab to add a new webpage tab.