Acoustic Research Zentral ARRZ100BB Instrukcja konfiguracji

Przeglądaj online lub pobierz pdf Instrukcja konfiguracji dla Pilot zdalnego sterowania Acoustic Research Zentral ARRZ100BB. Acoustic Research Zentral ARRZ100BB 20 stron. Av remote control for blackberry

AV Remote Control
for BlackBerry®
Setup Guide
1. Unpack ................................................................................... 2
2. Set up the Zentral Receiver ........................................ 2
with the Zentral Receiver.............................................6
4. Download the App .......................................................... 7
5. Set up your AV Remote account ............................. 7
Home Entertainment devices ....................................8
Using the Zentral AV Remote ..................11
Using UnifyGuide ..........................................15
Troubleshooting ........................................... 19