DJM Electronics GigaFOILv4-INLINE Podręcznik użytkownika

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Thank you for purchasing the GigaFOILv4 – INLINE, the newest generation of the FOIL™ brand of Ethernet
filters. Based on patented Fiber Optic Isolation Link ("FOIL") technology, the GigaFOILv4 – INLINE utilizes fiber
optics and specially designed circuitry to prevent 99.99999999% of electromagnetic interference (ie "Noise")
from passing through the filter. The filter covers a frequency range of below 14kHz to beyond 18GHz and does
not require a passband, meaning the only signal passing through the filter is the clean digital Ethernet signal.
1. Before installing the GigaFOILv4 – INLINE, make sure the filter and the device you are protecting
("Protected Device") are not powered ON.
2. Place the filter as close as you can to the Protected Device. Use as short of an Ethernet cable (CAT 5e
or better) as you can to connect the filter output (identified on the filter label as "OUTPUT") to the
Protected Device.
3. Connect the filter input (identified on the filter label as "INPUT") to your network.
4. The GigaFOILv4 – INLINE comes with a 5V 1A regulated linear DC power supply. Connect the power
supply to the filter and plug the power supply into the AC outlet. The green lights on both the INPUT
and OUTPUT connectors should light and the yellow light on the INPUT connector should also light and
start blinking.
5. Turn on the Protected Device. The yellow light on the OUTPUT should light and start blinking.
6. Verify the Protected Device has a network connection. You may now use the Protected Device as you
normally would.
7. If the Protected Device fails to function normally, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide at the end of this
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I use shielded or unshielded Ethernet Cables? Why or why not?
Shielded cables can sometimes improve a problem or they can sometimes act like antennas and make it
worse. We recommend starting with unshielded cables and switching to shielded cables if you are
encountering noise or humming issues. The most important factor is to use a short cable between the filter
and the Protected Device. That gives noise less opportunity to couple onto the cable. The next most
important factor is to separate the cable from noise sources (e.g. power lines, signal lines, control lines,
radios, etc.).
Will the FOIL Ethernet Filter work on CAT5e / CAT6 / CATX cables?
CAT5/CAT6/CAT7/etc. are cabling standards (ie wire gauge, twists per foot, insulation material, etc.). What
matters is what is being transmitted over the cables. If it is Ethernet, then the FOIL Ethernet filters will work.
But CAT5/CAT6/CAT7/etc. are sometimes used to carry other things like proprietary data, power,
thermostat signals, sound, etc. In those circumstances, the FOIL Ethernet filters will not work and will
actually block the signals.
What are the markings on the side of my filter? Is it defective?
No, your filter is not defective. The markings are purely cosmetic and are caused by the high heat required
for silver solder.
The linear power supply that came with the filter says 120VAC 60Hz. Will it work in countries with
220VAC 50Hz power?
No. Linear Power Supplies are designed for specific voltages and power frequency. If you need a 220VAC
50Hz power supply, please let us know during the purchase process.
Users Guide