Test System
Ensure that the Carmanah MX system to which the radar kit is connected is powered up. See the Carmanah MX
user documentation at
Test that the system activates as desired when vehicles approach the radar module. If the LED loads fail to turn
on, check the following:
The green LED on the back of the radar module flashes every few
seconds (see image at right).
Nothing is obstructing the radar module's view of oncoming traffic.
The radar module is aimed directly at oncoming vehicles.
Test the LED loads with the Identify System (light bulb) button in the
MX Field App (see the MX Field App Guide for details).
See the Troubleshooting section if the loads still fail to activate.
Radar Module Connection & Settings
To change the system's activation behavior, configuration adjustments can be made to the radar module. Before
making radar module configuration changes, please note the following:
The detection range with factory default settings is typically at least 200 ft.
Aiming the radar module downwards and/or toward the road slightly can result in later activation.
Aiming the radar module upwards and/or farther up the road slightly can result in earlier activation.
To make configuration changes, the following components are required:
Windows 7, 10 or 11 PC (32-or 64-bit versions are supported) running the Houston Radar Advanced
Stats Analyzer program (free download from https://www.houston-radar.com)
An available USB-A port on the PC
Radar Detection Programming Kit, consisting of USB-to-Serial adapter and active USB extension cable
Powered-up Carmanah MX system with Radar Detection Kit installed and radar module connected
The radar module is powered by the Carmanah MX system to which it is connected. To be
configured using the Programming Kit, the radar module must be connected to an operating
Carmanah MX system.
More information about radar module settings can be found in the Houston Radar DR600 User
Manual available at https://www.houston-radar.com. To avoid unintended operation and/or
excessive power consumption, configuration changes should be limited to those discussed in
this section. Other settings should be left at their default values.
Contact Carmanah for assistance with any configuration settings not discussed in this manual.
Carmanah Technologies Corp. | 250 Bay St, Victoria, BC V9A 3K5, Canada | 1.250.380.0052 |
for details.