Hickok 600 Manual - Página 3

Procurar online ou descarregar pdf Manual para Equipamento de teste Hickok 600. Hickok 600 6 páginas. Tube testers

15A. Verify that the panel switches are set up to the conditions as given in PREPARATION at the beginning of this section,
(JR 5347-2) FILAMENT at 6.3 volts. Set the BIAS and the ENGLISH controls to zero. Connect a 1K 1% 10 watt resistor
to the anode lead of a 1N4005 silicon rectifier. Connect the cathode of the rectifier to pin 8 of the octal socket. Connect the
other lead of the resistor to pin 3 of the octal socket. Adjust the ENGLISH control to 86. Press the P1 DIODE test button.
Verify that the meter reads at or slightly above the DIODES OK line on the meter. Release P1.
15B. Adjust the ENGLISH control to 53. Press the P3 RECTIFIER test button. Verify that the meter reads at or slightly
above the DIODES OK line on the meter. Note: for actual rectifier tube tests the REPLACE ? GOOD scale is read for the
test results. Release P3.
15C. Replace the 1K resistor with a 10K 1% 10 watt resistor. Adjust the ENGLISH control to 46. Press the P2 0Z4 test
button. Verify that the meter reads at or slightly above the DIODES OK line on the meter. Note: for actual 0Z4 rectifier
tube tests the REPLACE ? GOOD scale is read for the test results. Release P2.
16. Obtain a 6L6 tube that is known to be free of gas. Put the tube in the tester and set it up for the standard 6L6 test. Set
the ENGLISH control to 73. Press P5, the gas 1 test button. Adjust the BIAS control for a reading of 100 on the 3000 scale.
Hold P5 and press P6, the gas 2 test button and verify that the reading moves up by less than one small division. Release P6
and P5. Connect a 1Meg resistor between pin 5 and pin 7 of the nine pin miniature socket. Repeat the test. This time verify
that the reading goes up by 4 to 5 small divisions on the meter when the P6 button is pushed. Release P6 and P5.
This completes the testing and calibration procedure. For adjustments and problem resolution refer to the
ADJUSTMENT CHART section below.
1. LINE ADJUST: The 150 volt plate supply is used as the reference when setting the AC line voltage adjustment. The AC
line control is adjusted until the plate voltage is 150 volts as read on the meter. All of the other operating voltages follow
along and are assumed to be correct. If the plate supply is abnormally high or low then adjusting it to the nominal 150 volts
with the line test will cause all of the other operating voltages to be shifted. This is because the line adjust will be
compensating for an abnormal plate supply and also affecting every other operating voltage.
If the plate supply voltage is normal and all of the other voltages are wrong by the same percentage, look at the
plate supply for problems. If the AC line test circuit itself is bad the plate and other voltages will all be wrong. If the plate
and other voltages are not correct after setting the AC line adjustment, check the resistors in the AC voltage metering
circuit R24 and R25.
Also check the meter movement and verify that it indicates full scale when passing the nominal full scale current.
Older testers used a 1.4 milliamp movement with 80 ohms of resistance. Later versions were 500 microamps and 233 ohms
of resistance. Other values may have been used as production changes were made through the years. The metal plate
mounted on the side of the meter is a factory applied magnetic shunt. By loosening the mounting screw and sliding the
plate back and forth, small adjustments can be made to the full scale deflection of the meter. Bear in mind though that
changing the meter adjustment will effect the mutual conductance reading too so rule out everything else before adjusting
the meter.
2.ENGLISH POSITION: Loosen the set screw on the knob and reposition the knob to the correct location. Retighten the
set screw.
3.BIAS POSITION: Loosen the set screw on the knob and reposition the knob to the correct location. Retighten the set
4. SHORTS TEST: R28 sets the shorts test sensitivity. If adjustment is necessary set R28 fully counterclockwise and
slowly rotate it clockwise until the short lamp just begins to glow. R28 is the slotted screwdriver adjustment mounted on
the back of the transformer/terminal board assembly.
5. FILAMENT VOLTAGE TEST: No adjustment. This voltage is entirely dependent on the power transformer and the AC
line setting. See also ADJUSTMENT CHART 1, LINE ADJUST above. Some voltages may be slightly higher due to the
transformer having no load.