Olympus Infinity Zoom 76 Manual de instruções - Página 15

Procurar online ou descarregar pdf Manual de instruções para Câmara de filmar Olympus Infinity Zoom 76. Olympus Infinity Zoom 76 50 páginas. Olympus infinity zoom 76 camera-film: instruction manual

Olympus Infinity Zoom 76 Manual de instruções
Simple point &

How to take pictures

When the power switch is ON,
the LCD panel lights.
The LCD panel goes out after 4 to
5 minutes to minimize battery
drain. The lens will then zoom to
the wide-angle position. After 4
hours the power is automatically
turned to OFF. To resume
operation, set the power switch
to OFF and then to ON again.
Set the power switch to ON.
* When the camera is not in use,
always set the power switch to OFF
so that the shutter cannot be
activated accidentally.
While looking through the
viewfinder, aim the camera at your