Ariston FM 81 R IX AUS Folheto de instruções - Página 4

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Ariston FM 81 R IX AUS Folheto de instruções
Elec'tronic Gooking Prog rammer
The programmer makes it possible to preset the oven and
the grill in terms of:
delay start with a preset length of time br moking;
immediate start with a preset length of time for cooking;
Button fun6{ons:
@ :Timer with hour and minutes;
E : Lengrth of cooking time;
@ : End cooking time;
pl : Manual change;
: Change time (bad(\ /ards);
@ : Change iime (brwards).
How io Reset ths Digital Clock
After the appliance has been connecled lo lhe po,ver sourc€
or bllowing a power outage, the clock display will begin to
blink and read:0:00
Press the p and @ buftons atthe same time.Then
use (within 4 seconds) the E and E hrttons to set
the exact Ume.
Use the E bufton to move the time torwards.
Use the E bufton to move the lime badovards.
The time can also be changed in the following two ways:
1. Repeat all of the foregoing steps.
2. Press the @ button, and then use ttre E and E
buttons to rsset the time.
Manual Opetation Mode forthe Oven
After the time has been set, the programmer is automati-
cally s€t to manual mode.
Note: Press the U hJtton to return the oven to manual
mode afier er'ery "Automatic" cooking session.
Dslayod Start Time wlth Pr€set Cooking Length
The length and the end cooking times must be set. Let us
suppose that lhe display shows '10:00.
'1. Turn the oven control knob lo the
cookjng setting and
temperalure desired (example: convection oven at
2. Press the E and the use (within 4 seconds) the E
and E buttonsto setthe length ofthe cooking time. Let
us supposs that 30 minutas was sei br the length of ths
cooking time. In this case, the display will show:
L ' - _ I
Release the hrtton, and within 4 seconds, the cunent time
will reappearwith the Ll symbol and "auto."
3. Press the E
Urtton, and then use tne E
and E
butlons to set the end cooking time. Let us suppose that
it is 13:00
t - t
- t n
ii J' u li
4. Release the button and the display will shorr' the cunent
time within 4 seconds:
When "auto" is lighted, it indicates that the length and end
cooking time have been preset to operate in automatic
mode. At this point, the oven will turn on automatically at
12;30 in order to finish the cooking session within 30
minutes. When the oven is on, the & symbol (cooking
pot) will appear on the display brthe entire length of the
cooking proc€ss. The E button can be pressed al any
time to display the sefting tor the length of the cooking
time, while the E tutton can be pressed to display the
end cooking time.
At the end ofthe cooklng time, an acoustic signal will
sound. Press any button itturn it off (except the E
and E buttons).
lmmediate StartTime with Prsset Cooking Length
Vvhen only the length ofthe cooking tjme is set (points 1 and
2 ofthe paragraph entitled, "Delayed Start Time with Preset
Cooking Length"), the cooking session starts immediately.
Cancelling a Proset Cooking Time
Press the pl bu(on, and use the E button to set the time
Then press the manual cooking mode button [O.
Tlmer Featur€
The timer can be used to count down from a given length of
time.This bature does not control when the oven comes on
or turns ofi but, rather, it only emits an acoustic signalwhen
the preset tjme has run out.
Press the E button, and the display will read:
n nn
Then use the E anO E buttons to set the desired time.
Release the button, and the timer will start at that second.
The display will show the cunent time.
At the end of the preset time, an acoustic signal will sound,
which can be turned ofi by pressing any button (except the
E anO E buttons), and the E symbol will turn off.
Changing and Cancelling Settings
The settings can be changed at any time by pressing the
conesponding button and using the E o|. E Ortton.
When the length setting for the cooking tjme is cancelled,
the end cooking time setting is also cancelled, and vice
. When in automatic cooking mode, the appliance will not
accept end cooking times prior to the start cooking time
proposed by the appliance itsell
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