Yamaha disklavier DS4M4 PRO Manual de manutenção - Página 34

Procurar online ou descarregar pdf Manual de manutenção para Instrumento musical Yamaha disklavier DS4M4 PRO. Yamaha disklavier DS4M4 PRO 36 páginas.

Yamaha disklavier DS4M4 PRO Manual de manutenção
14. Service Center program map
Service Center - Version 1.01 Menu Index
Service Center/
1: Post Delivery Check
<Test playback>
A: Key scaling
B: Right Pedal Moving
C: Left Pedal Moving
D: Sound, Right Ch.
E: Sound, Left Ch.
<Needs headphones for Pro>
F: Sound, L&R Ch.
G: Melody
<Needs headphones for Pro>
2: Program Versions
3: Pedal Calibration < 1 min. >
4: Piano Odometer
To enter Maintenance Mode from the Service Center,
button pushing is TIME-SENSITIVE. In sequence,
press and hold, [D], [M] and [P] within a 1 second time frame.
(All three keys pressed within 1 second.)
Maintenance Mode/
1: Check All Connection.
2: Disklavier Piano System/
1: Piano Information/
1: Program Versions - Piano.
2: Model Info.
< KD type, HS type, PD type >
3: Key Drive Info.
4: Pedal Info.
<Power supply, temp. >
5: Piano Odometer - Detail.
6: Piano Type Setting(Pedal)/
1: GC1(base damper).
2: GC1(sostenute)A1/C1-C3/S4.
3: C5.
4: C6/C7/S6.
<Pedal type setting>
7: Clear Odometer/
1: Clear all except for total time.
2: Clear all.
3: Clear time only.
2: Piano Calibration - Standard/
1: Sensor Calibration.
2: Pedal Calibration.
3: Key Drive Calibration-Std.
4: Pedal-HP Adjustment.
3: Piano Calibration - Full/
1: Cals on serial w/ GS check.
2: Cals on serial w/o GS check.
3: Sensor Calibration w/ GS check.
4: Pedal Calibration.
5: Key Drive Calibration.
6: Pedal-HP Adjustment.
4: Piano Calibration - Extra/
1: Sensor -Extra/
1: Sensor Auto
2: Sensor Manual
2: Key Drive -Extra (All Keys)/
1: Key Drive MM.
2: Key Drive ON,OFF,ACC,ON-P.
3: Key Drive ON.
4: Key Drive OFF.
5: Key Drive ACC.
6: Key Drive ON-P.
3: key Drive -Extra (One Key)/
1: 1 Key Drive MM.
2: 1 Key Drive ON,OFF,ACC,ON-P.
3: 1 Key Drive ON.
4: 1 Key Drive OFF.
5: 1 Key Drive ACC.
6: 1 Key Drive ON-P.
4: Key Drive -ppp Adjustment.
Page 12.
<Needs headphones for Pro>
<Needs headphones for Pro>
<Power supply, temp. >
Page 21.
<4' 40" HS model>
< 1 mim. >
<6'45" MkIV HS>
< Extra adjustment >
Page 21.
< 17 min.>
< 1 mim. >
<8'30" MkIV, 10'45" Pro>
< Extra adjustment >
(Overrides Errors).<4'30">
(Overrides Errors).
5: Piano Tests/
1: Sensor Depth Test (BarGraph).
2: Pedal Depth Test (BarGraph).
3: Check Key Sensor Connection.
4: Check Hmr Sensor Connection.
5: Check Brightness from AD.
6: Current AD of the Sensor/
1: Key AD.
2: Hmr AD.
7: Check Calibration Data/
1: Check Key Sensor Cal Data.
2: Check Hmr Sensor Cal Data.
3: Check Hmr Sensor AD offset Data.
4: Check Key Drive Cal Data.
8: Sensor Test - Extra/
1: Check Sensor AD Volatility.
2: Check Sensor Hmr GS Linearity/
1: Excute Test.
2: Results.
3: Results -Graph.
3: Check Sensor Optical Step.
4: Rest Value Validity Check.
5: CSP-HS Data Direction check.
6: Sensor Test - Other Extra/
1: Optical Matrix.
2: Optical Step Adj - Auto/
1: High S/N.
2: Long Shelf Life.
3: Reflesh All the Rest.
4: Sensor Draw Key Motion.
6: Piano Test Play/
1: Key Scaling.
2: Loud(Right) Pedal Hold.
3: Soft(Left) Pedal Hold.
7: CSP Update/
1: Set the update media. Ready?.
8: CSP Parameter Backup/Restore/
1: Backup CSP Param.- Execute.
2: Restore CSP Param.- Execute.
3: Copy CSP Param. fromHD toFD.
4: Copy CSP Param. fromFD toHD.
3: <Database>/
1: Song Library/
<Playback test w/o back to user mode
1: Test (Closed Area).
2: PianoSoft.
3: User.
4: Audio.
5: FD.
6: CD.
7: USB.
2: Edit Test Album/
1: Copy from FD to HD/
1: Are you sure? Yes.
2: No, exit.
2: Copy from CD to HD/
1: Are you sure? Yes.
2: No, exit.
3: Rename Test Album.
4: Remove Test Album.