Nikon 9481 Brochura - Página 9

Procurar online ou descarregar pdf Brochura para Câmara digital Nikon 9481. Nikon 9481 13 páginas. Digital slr camera

Without Active D-Lighting
Large viewfinder features frame
Active D-Lighting provides
coverage of virtually 100%
real-time highlight and shadow
Active D -Lighting helps produce broader
tone reproduction in both shadows and
highlights, all while applying localized
tone control technology to achieve natural
The new eye-level pentaprism viewfinder
looking contrast across the entire image for
for the D300 aids composition and adds
more attractive results with greater detail.
assurance to focus control by providing
Simply choose the desired strength level
frame coverage of virtually 100% and large
before shooting and let Active D-Lighting
0.94x magnification.
p r o v e i t s w o r t h w h e n s h o o t i n g h i g h
contrast scenes, such as a shaded subject on
Large top control panel
a sunny day or a brightly lit outdoor scene
The large top LCD panel
shot through a door or window.
is designed to convey
maximum information
Exposure modes that provide
at a glance, and is even tilted slightly
flexible control
rearward for easier viewing.
[P] Programmed auto mode automatically
sets both shutter speed and aperture, and
Informative displays provide
includes Flexible Program for fast selection
valuable feedback
of alternate shutter speed and aperture
T h e l e t t e r i n g f o r
combinations. [S] Shutter- Priority auto
information displays
offers shutter speed selection from 1/8,000
c a n b e m a n u a ll y o r
to 30 s. [A] Aperture-Priority auto allows
automatically switched
free selection from among all aperture
b e t w e e n b l a c k a n d
settings. [M] Manual gives full control over
white lettering to best suit the lighting
both shutter speed and aperture.
conditions when shooting. An advanced
b a t t e r y i n d i c a t o r c o n v e y s d e t a i l e d
information for both the battery installed
in the camera as well as batteries in the
Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10.
Intuitive handling, total reliability
Every button, control and function is designed to enable creative freedom
With Active D-Lighting
Broad ISO sensitivity range with
flexible control
Sensitivity can be set manually between ISO
200 and 3200 in increments of 1/3 1/2, or 1 EV,
with extended range settings down to Lo 1 for
ISO 100 equivalent and up to Hi 1 for ISO 6400
equivalent. Refined high-ISO noise reduction
help s en sure ma ximum image qualit y
throughout the higher range. Automatic
sensitivity adjustment (ISO AUTO) is also
available, freeing you to concentrate on
composition while the camera automatically
adjusts sensitivity to maximize available light
and achieve optimal exposure for the shot.
Accurate white balance
Advanced Auto
W h i t e B a l a n c e
capably produces
natural coloration
in most situations.
Manual settings
are also available, including direct selection
of Kelvin color temperature; a choice of six
specific settings with fine-tuning, as well as
a preset manual option for using a gray or
white object as a reference. A vertical axis
of color cast direction is newly added to the
process of tuning white balance and the
increments have been made finer to deliver
more precise control.
Optimized color space
bounce helps promote
A selection of two color
m a x i m u m s t a b i l i t y
spaces is available to
and speed, smoother
best match the specific
AF detection, and the
subject, assignment, or
e x te n d e d v i ew fi n d e r
workflow environment.
visibility needed for fast, accurate focus
T h e d e f a u l t s R G B
tracking and continuous shooting.
set ting is well suited
when images are to be played back or
Magnesium alloy body
printed as taken, without editing or post-
The magnesium alloy body for the D300
processing. The Adobe RGB setting realizes
combines rugged durability with mobility,
a wider color reproduction range for high-
and features an enhanced sealing system that
quality or commercial output that requires
helps protect against moisture and dust.
a wider color gamut.
New Multi-Power Battery Pack
Histogram and channel-
MB-D10 (optional)
independent histogram displays
The new optional Multi-
Accurate histogram
P o w e r B a t t e r y P a c k
and RGB his togram
MB-D10 combines added
displays aid in quickly
stability with extended
confirming exposure.
s h o o t i n g p o t e n t i a l
A l l t h r e e c o l o r
and the durability of a
channels can be represented as a whole
magnesium alloy external
using Conventional RGB display, while
case with the same level
Selectable RGB allows each color channel to
of sealing protection inherent to the D300
be viewed independently to assist exposure
to help protect against moisture and dust.
and white balance adjustment decisions.
Supporting the use of 3 types of battery and
featuring a sequential power supply with
Multiple Exposure
auto-switching to the battery installed inside
Multiple Exposure is a custom shooting
the camera body, the MB-D10 also enables
option that allows for imaginative results by
high-speed continuous shooting at a rate of 8
producing a single image within the camera
for up to 100 consecutive shots.
from up to 10 consecutive exposure s .
* 8 fps requires either 1) Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 with
Battery Chamber Cover BL-3 and either Rechargeable Li-ion
Colors are reproduced noticeably better
Battery EN-EL4/EN-EL4a or eight R6/AA-size batteries or 2) AC
Adapter EH-5a/EH-5, all of which are sold separately.
than photographs combined in an imaging
Optimized battery performance
Image Overlay
T he high - e ne rg y Re charg eable Li - io n
Image Overlay is an in - camera retouch
Battery EN-EL3e delivers enough power to
feature that combines two saved NEF (RAW)
shoot up to approx. 1000 consecutive images
images into a single composite image,
on a single charge
taking advantage of precise opacity controls
to achieve the desired result. The composite
image can be saved as a NEF or JPEG file,
and the originals remain unaffected.
Durable shutter unit
Testing to 150,000 cycles stands as firm
testament to the durability and reliability of
the new double-bladed shutter unit for the
D300. A refined mirror balance mechanism
that completes its motion cycle and reaches
a full stop virtually without mirror
shots according to research conducted by
) or 3000 shots
when using the Multi-Power Battery Pack
MB-D10 with Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-
installed, in addition to the EN-EL3e
installed inside the camera body.
*1 Based on CIPA standards with an AF-S VR 24-120 mm
f/3.5-5.6G ED lens
*2 Achieved under following test conditions: measured
at 68°F/ 20°C with an AF - S VR 24 -120 mm f/ 3.5 - 5.6G
ED lens, image quality set to JPEG basic, image size set
to M (medium), shutter speed 1/250 s, shutter-release
button pressed halfway for three seconds and focus
cycled from infinity to minimum range three times; six
shots then taken in succession and monitor turned on for
five seconds and then turned off; cycle repeated once
exposure meters turned off.
*3 Requires Battery Chamber Cover BL-3
Custom Setting menus
Grouped according to basic features for fast
and easy access within the color-coded menu
display, the D300's wealth of Custom Settings
and memory banks for saving up to four
With EN-EL3e installed
complete selections allow instant switching
to the optimized selection for the shoot.
d3 Viewfinder warning display
Custom setting bank
Reset custom settings
d4 CL mode shooting speed
With EN-EL4a installed
d5 Max. continuous release
a Autofocus
a1 AF-C priority selection
d6 File number sequence
d7 Shooting info display
a2 AF-S priority selection
a3 Dynamic AF area
d8 LCD illumination
d9 Exposure delay mode
a4 Focus tracking with lock-on
a5 AF activation
d10 MB-D10 battery type
d11 Battery order
a6 AF point illumination
a7 Focus point wrap-around
e Bracketing/flash
e1 Flash sync speed
a8 AF point selection
a9 AF-assist
e2 Flash shutter speed
e3 Flash cntrl for built-in flash
a10 AF-ON for MB-D10
b Metering/exposure
e4 Modeling flash
e5 Auto bracketing set
b1 ISO sensitivity step value
b2 EV steps for exposure cntrl.
e6 Auto bracketing (Mode M)
e7 Bracketing order
b3 Exp comp/fine tune
b4 Easy exposure compensation
f Controls
f1 Multi selector center button
b5 Center-weighted area
b6 Fine tune optimal exposure
f2 Multi selector
c Timers/AE lock
f3 Photo info/playback
c1 Shutter-release button AE-L
f4 Assign FUNC. button
c2 Auto meter-off delay
f5 Assign preview button
c3 Self-timer delay
f6 Assign AE-L/AF-L button
c4 Monitor off delay
f7 Customize command dials
d Shooting/display
f8 Release button to use dial
d1 Beep
f9 No memory card?
d2 Viewfinder grid display
f10 Reverse indicators
(or up to approx. 3000
Enhanced moisture and dust
resistant areas are outlined in red.