Acer AC713 Manuais
Manuais do proprietário e guias do usuário para Acer AC713.
Fornecemos 1 pdf manual Acer AC713 para download gratuito por tipos de documentos: Manual do utilizador.
- 1. Table of Contents
- 2. Packing List
- 3. Precautions
- 4. Installation Instructions
- 4. Swivel Base
- 4. Power Cord
- 4. Video Cable
- 5. Operating Instructions
- 5. General Instructions
- 5. Front Panel Control
- 5. How to Adjust a Setting
- 5. Adjusting the Picture
- 6. Plug and Play
- 7. Technical Support (FAQ)
- 8. Appendix A - Specifications
- 9. Appendix B - Factory Preset Timing Table