Astralpool KEOPS Руководство по эксплуатации - Страница 2

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство по эксплуатации для Фильтр для плавательного бассейна Astralpool KEOPS. Astralpool KEOPS 12 страниц. Inground and half-inground bin
Также для Astralpool KEOPS: Руководство по эксплуатации (12 страниц), Руководство по установке (12 страниц)

Astralpool KEOPS Руководство по эксплуатации
IMPORTANT: The instruction manual that you are holding in your hands contains
important information about the safety measures to adopt during installation,
start-up and maintenance. Thus, it is extremely important that both the installer
and the user read the instructions before beginning setup:
For optimum performance of your in-ground/ semi in-ground compact housing
unit, follow the instructions below.


Compact housing for a pool, to be installed in-ground or semi in-ground, made up of
a housing unit with an injected plastic box and two-piece cover. The back is fixed
and the front part can be easily lifted.
According to the configuration, it houses the equipment for the filtration and
recirculation of the water in the pool tank.
It is advisable to locate the equipment away from the pool, at least 3.5 m. Placing
it closer would mean non-compliance with the specific standard RBT ITC-BT-030.


3.1. Do the excavation according to the measurements.