AstroMedia 209.NST Инструкции - Страница 2
Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Инструкции для Телескоп AstroMedia 209.NST. AstroMedia 209.NST 5 страниц. The reflecting telescope
The Main Body and the Eyepiece Connector
The tube is the actual reflecting telescope. The large main mirror sits inside
one end and in the opening at the other end the small right angled
collecting mirror reflects the focused image from the main mirror at a right
angles into the eyepiece. The tube is made up of two larger and two smaller
segments which are connected by the extended gluing tabs of three internal
Step 1 The axle segment [A1] is one of the two large segments onto which
you will later glue the axle which allows the tube to swivel up and down.
Remove the axle segment from the card sheet and fold all grooves to the
back. Glue the long glue tab behind the opposite edge to form a hexagonal
The Main Body and the Eyepiece Connector
The tube is the actual reflecting telescope. The large main mirror sits inside
Step 2 The sight segment [A2] is the second large segment. The rear sight
one end and in the opening at the other end the small right angled collecting
mirror reflects the focused image from the main mirror at a right angle into
[G3] and [G4] will later be glued onto it. Fold and glue it together like the
the eyepiece. The tube is made up of two larger and two smaller segments
axle tube.
which are connected by the extended gluing tabs of the three internal dia-
Step 3 Remove the round cardboard piece from the three internal
diaphragms [A3], [A4], and [A5]. Each tab around the hexagon has a white
Step 1 The axle segment [A1] is one of the two large segments onto which
marked line in the middle of its grey front surface. Fold the tabs backwards
you will later glue the axle which allows the tube to move up and down.
so that the side with the white line is on the outside and the black side is on
Remove the axle segment from the card sheet and fold all the grooves to the
back. Glue the long glue tab behind the opposite edge so as to form a hex-
the inside.
agonal tube.
Step 4 Put one of the hexagonal internal diaphragms into the end of the
Step 2 The sight segment [A2] is the second large segment. The rear sight
axle segment (first without glue) which has the marking "hier stößt die
[G3] and [G4] will later be glued onto it. Fold and glue it together like the axle
Markierung -111- des Visiersegments an" and push the diaphragm into the
hexagonal tube so that the marked lines on the six tabs lie exactly on the
Step 3 Remove the round cardboard piece from the three internal diaphragms
[A3], [A4] and [A5]. Each tab around the hexagon has a white marked line in
edge of the tube. Now all the tabs stick half-way out of the opening of the
the middle of its grey front surface. Fold the tabs backwards so that the side
axle segment. Glue it in this position by pulling it out, coating the inside of
with the white line is on the outside and the black side is on the inside.
the tube with glue, reinserting the diaphragm and pressing the tabs firmly
Step 4 Put one of the hexagonal internal diaphragms into the end of the axle
into place.
segment (first without glue) which has "hier stößt die Markierung –111- des
Step 5 Wait until the glue is dry and then, without glue, try placing the sight
Visiersegments an" and push the diaphragm into the hexagonal tube so that
the marked lines on the six tabs lie exactly on the edge of the tube. Now all
segment [H2] over the tabs of the diaphragm so that the marking
the tabs stick half-way out of the opening of the axle segment. Glue it in this
"Markierung-111-" lies directly next to the marking "hier stößt die Markierung
position by pulling it out, coating the inside of the tube with glue, reinserting
-111- des Visiersegments an". Now remove the sight segment and coat the
the diaphragm and pressing the tabs firmly into place.
inside at the appropriate end with glue and assemble it onto [A1] with the
Step 5 Wait until the glue is dry and then make a trial run (without glue) by
tabs inside. Important: Make sure the two tubes butt directly against each
placing the sight segment [H2] over the tabs of the diaphram so that the
other with no gap. Press the tabs firmly into place from inside until they are
instruction "Markierung -111-" lies directly next to the instruction "hier stößt
die Markierung -111- des Visiersegments an" . Now remove the sight seg-
stuck. Stand vertically with a light weight on top until the glue has set.
ment and coat the inside at the appropriate end with glue and assemble it
Step 6 Glue the other 2 internal diaphragms into the ends of the assembled
onto [A1] with the tabs inside. Important: Make sure the two tubes butt di-
tube in the same way as the first with the line of the tab protruding halfway
rectly against each other with no gap. Press the tabs firmly into place from
out of the tube.
inside until they are stuck. Stand vertically with a light weight on top until the
Step 7 The main mirror will later be set in the mirror segment [A6] and the
glue is dry.
Step 6 Glue the other 2 internal diaphragms into the ends of the assembled
front sight [G1]+[G2] will later be placed on this segment. Fold the mirror
tube in the same way as the first with the line of the tab protruding half-way
segment and glue it to form a short hexagonal tube which has the same
out of the tube.
diameter as the already existing tube comprising the sight segment and the
Step 7 The main mirror will later be set in the mirror segment [A6] and the
axle segment.
front sight [G1]+[G2] will later be placed on this segment. Fold the mirror
Step 8 Glue the mirror segment [A6] onto the tabs protruding from the end
segment and glue it to form a short hexagonal tube which has the same
diameter as the already existing tube comprising the sight segment and the
of the axle segment making sure that the "-222-" markings line up and that
axle segment.
there are no gaps or cracks between the segments.
Step 8 Glue the mirror segment [A6] to the tabs protruding from the end of
Step 9 Remove the centre hexagonal area where the eyepiece will be fitted
the axle segment making sure that the "-222-" markings line up and that
from the eyepiece segment [A7]. Fold and glue the segment to form a
there are no gaps or cracks between the segments.
hexagonal tube. Do not attach it to the rest of the body yet.
Step 9 Remove the centre hexagonal area where the eyepiece goes from
the eyepiece segment [A7]. Fold and glue the segment to form a hexagonal
Step 10 Fold the five longer grooves of the eyepiece connector [B1] to the
tube. Do not attach it to the rest of the body yet.
back to form a short hexagon. This will not be formed into a hexagon with
Step 10 Fold the five longer grooves of the eyepiece connector [B1] to the
glue but with sticky-tape from the inside. The tape should only connect the
back to form a short hexagon. This will not be formed into a hexagon with
edges of the tube and not the tabs. Place half the width of the tape on one
glue but with sticky-tape from the inside. The tape should only connect the
edge of the tube and then press the other edge on the protruding length of
edges of the tube and not the tabs. Place half the width of the tape on one
edge of the tube and then press the other edge on the protruding length of
tape. Be careful that the eyepiece connector is not too tight for the
tape. Be careful that the eyepiece connector is not too tight for the eyepieces.
eyepieces. To be absolutely sure, you can first complete steps 32 and 39 by
To be absolutely sure you can first complete steps 32 and 39 by gluing the
glueing the eyepiece shafts [F1] and [F5] to test if they can move up and
eyepiece shafts [F1] and [F5] to test if they can move up and down on the
down on the eyepiece connector without too much friction. It may be that
eyepiece connector without too much trouble. It may be that you have to cut
you have to cut the tape and renew it. Fold the foot tabs outwards, i.e. not
the tape and renew it. Fold the foot tabs outwards, i.e. not to the inside of the
to the inside of the tube.
Step 11 Insert the eyepiece connector through the hexagonal hole in the
Step 11 Insert the eyepiece connector through the hexagonal hole in the
eypiece segment [A7] from the inside. Important: Make sure the two diago-
eyepiece segment [A7] from the inside. Important: Make sure the two
nally cut tabs are on the side away from the "-333-" marking, i.e. towards
diagonally cut tabs are on the side opposite to the "-333-" marking, i.e.
where "hierhin kommt die Öffnungsblende" is printed. This is to ensure the
towards where "hierhin kommt die Öffnungsblende" is printed. This is to
secondary mirror holder [D1] can be glued correctly in place later. When you
ensure the secondary mirror holder [D1] can be glued correctly in place
are sure you know which way round it goes, remove it, glue the foot tabs and
reinsert it, pressing the tabs firmly until stuck. You can do this by laying the
later. When you are sure which way round it should go, remove it, apply
entire segment flat and pressing on the tabs from outside. Make sure the
glue to the foot tabs and reinsert it, pressing the tabs firmly until stuck. You
eyepiece tube is at right-angles to the main tube. Check with a set square or
can do this by laying the entire segment flat and pressing on the tabs from
the corner of one of the card sheets.
outside. Make sure the eyepiece tube is at right-angles to the main tube.
Step 12 Fold the long groove of the lower eyepiece connector collar [B2] to
Check with a set square or the corner of one of the card sheets.
the front and the five short grooves to the back. The result is a chain of 6
joined links each of which has an adjoining section. Place this chain around
Step 12 Fold the long groove of the lower eyepiece connector collar [B2] to
the eyepiece connector so that the split sections are lying flat on the tube of
the front and the five short grooves to the back. The result is a chain of 6
eyepiece segment and glue it in this position. Fold the grooves of the upper
joined links each of which has an adjoining section. Place this chain around
the eyepiece connector so that the split sections are lying flat on the tube of
the eyepiece segment and glue it in this position. Fold the grooves of the
upper eyepiece connector collar [B3] to the back and glue it around the
opening of the eyepiece connector.
Step 13 Put the eyepiece segment [A7] with the assembled eyepiece
connector onto the remaining tabs on the main body making sure that the
"-333-" markings line up. (The diagonal tabs on the eyepiece connector
point to the front opening of the main body). Glue in place as before,
making sure that the two tubes butt directly against each other without a
gap. Press the tabs firmly until stuck.
eyepiece connector collar [B3] to the back and glue it around the opening of
Step 14 Cut out the 3 body collars [A8], [A9], [A10]. Glue into place around
the eyepiece connector.
the main body joints, wherever two segments meet.
Step 13 Put the eyepiece segment [A7] with the assembled eyepiece con-
Step 15 Glue the axle disks [C3] and [C4] together to make a disk with
nector onto the remaining tabs on the main body making sure that the mark-
double thickness. Make sure the edges are properly aligned otherwise you
ings "-333-" line up. (The diagonal tabs on the eyepiece connector point to
the front opening of the main body). Glue in place as before making sure that
will need to sand them to a round shape when dry. Repeat with the other
the two tubes butt directly against each other with no gap. Press the tabs
pair [C5] and [C6].
firmly until stuck.
Step 16 Glue the right double-layered axle block exactly in the middle of the
Step 14 Cut-out the 3 body collars [A8], [A9], [A10]. Glue into place around
right axle base [C1], the left, on the left axle base [C2]. To ensure they are
the main body joints, wherever two segments meet.
central you can stick a pin through the marks in the middle of the axle
Step 15 Glue the axle disks [C3] and [C4] together to make a double thick-
ness disc. Make sure the edges are properly aligned otherwise you will need
blocks and bases. Leave until dry.
to sand them to a round shape when dry. Repeat with the other pair [C5] and
Step 17 Glue the resulting unit of right axle base and block with the
unprinted side exactly in the middle of the corresponding markings on the
Step 16 Stick the right double-layered axle block exactly in the middle of the
axle segment of the tube. Do the same with the left one.
right axle base [C1], the left, on the left axle base [C2]. To ensure they are
Step 18 Coat the right axle block with glue and stick the right axle cover
central you can stick a pin through the marks in the middle of the axle blocks
and bases. Leave until dry.
disc [C7] onto it. The zero degree mark "0" should be exactly over the small
Step 17 Stick the resulting unit of right axle base and block with the unprinted
white arrow at the edge of the tube side and the negative number "-80"
side exactly in the middle of the corresponding markings on the axle seg-
should be towards the eyepiece tube. Between the axle base and the cover
ment of the tube. Do the same with the left.
disc you now have a slot into which later the arms of the axle bearings at
Step 18 Coat the right axle block with glue and stick the right axle cover disc
the top of the two mounting supports will be fitted. Repeat the procedure
[C7] onto it. The zero degree mark "0" should be exactly over the small white
with the left axle cover disc [C8] correspondingly.
arrow at the edge of the tube side and the negative number "-80" should be
towards the eyepiece tube. Between the axle base and the cover disc you
The tube is now finished and ready for the optical elements to be fitted.
now have a slot into which later the arms of the axle bearings at the top of
the two mounting supports will be fitted. Repeat the procedure with the left
The Secondary Mirror
axle cover disc [C8] correspondingly.
The 15.5 x 22 mm secondary mirror directs the light rays from the main
The tube is now finished and ready for the optical elements to be fitted.
mirror at a right angle into the eyepiece. It needs to be held exactly central
The Secondary Mirror
in the main body at 45 degrees to its axis and directly under the eyepiece
The 15,5x22mm secondary mirror directs the light rays from the main mirror
connector. Therefore it is particularly important to fit the mirror mounting
at a right angle into the eyepiece. It needs to be held exactly central in the
plate [D1] carefully.
main body at 45 degrees to its axis and directly under the eyepiece connec-
tor. Therefore it is particularly important to fix the mirror mounting plate [D1]
Step 19 Fold the main part of the secondary mirror mounting [D1] along the
long groove to the back so that the two unprinted halves are joined flush on
Step 19 Fold the main part of the secondary mirror mounting [D1] along the
each other. Fold the two small rectangular, slanted tabs to the front as well
long groove to the back so that the two unprinted halves are joined flush on
as the two wide foot tabs and the two narrow head tabs. Glue the main part
each other. Fold the two small rectangular, slanted tabs to the front as well
carefully together making sure there is no glue on the tabs. Press the main
as the two wide foot tabs and the two narrow head tabs. Glue the main part
part, while drying, so that it remains straight.
carefully together making sure there is no glue on the tabs. Press the main
part, while drying, so that it remains straight.
Step 20 Fold the two small diagonal tabs away from each other so that they
Step 20 Fold the two small diagonal tabs away from each other so that they
form a right angled plate for the secondary mirror that is at 45 degrees to
form a right angled plate for the secondary mirror that is at 45 degrees to the
the folded back of the mirror holder. Glue the mirror in place, on the non-film
folded back of the mirror holder. Glue the mirror in place, on the non-film
side, ensuring that as it dries, the tabs on which the mirror is glued do not
side, ensuring that as it dries the tabs on which the mirror is glued do not
bend to one side or the other but remain at right angles to the mirror holder.
bend to one side or the other but remain at right angles to the mirror holder.
The mirror is covered with a bluish protective film which should only be re-
The mirror is covered with a bluish protective film which should only be re-
moved after the glue is dry. Lift one corner of the film with a craft knife and
moved after the glue is set. Lift one corner of the film with a craft knife and
carefully peel it off.
carefully peel it off.
Step 21 Fold the two wide foot tabs and the two narrow head tabs away from
Step 21 Fold the two wide foot tabs and the two narrow head tabs away
each other and try the mirror holder in the eyepiece end of the main body.
from each other and try the mirror holder in the eyepiece end of the main
Don't glue it at this stage. The mirror must point into the main body. The head
body. Donʼt glue it in at this stage. The mirror must point into the main body.