Dowell iPack C3.3 Краткое руководство

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iPack C3.3 Battery Pack
Read Manual carefully before installation to understand product features and safety precautions.
Installer must use insulating tools and wear safety equipment.
Accessory List
iPack C3.3 Battery
iPack C3.3 Standalone Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Screw for bracket
Rack-mounted Bracket
Residential Energy Storage System
Terminator (crystal RJ45 plug)
User Manual
Quick Guidance
Warranty Card
Accessory List
Quick Guidance
iPack C3.3 Battery Pack Quick Guidance
Read Manual carefully before installation to understand product features and safety precautions.
Installer must use insulating tools and wear safety equipment.
1.P urpos e
War r anty Car d
Accessory List
(he re in a fte r "P roducts ") to O riginal e nd use r via the wa y a uthorize d by DO W ELL.
S ys te m supplie d by S ha ngha i Dowe ll T e chnology C o., Ltd (he re in a fte r "DO W ELL") with the type s iPack C3.3/iPack C6.5
This lim ite d wa rra nty (he re in a fte r "W a rra nty") de scribe d be low a pplie s to the re s ide ntia l a pplica tion w ith Dowe ll Ba tte ry S tora ge
U nle ss othe rwis e s ta te d in this W a rra nty, the P e rform a nce W a rra nty pe riod for the P roducts is T e n (10) ye ars from the invoice da te .
2. W arranty Condition
2.1. W a rra nty P e riod
2.2 P e rform a nce w arra nty
or for a Minim um Through O utput E ne rgy in ta ble be low which is ca lcula te d from invoice da te , whiche ve r com e s firs t.
DO W E LL wa rra nts tha t the P roduct re ta ins e ithe r sixty pe rce nt (60% ) of Us a ble Ene rgy for T e n (10) ye a rs from the invoice da te ,
iPack C3.3 Battery
iP a ck C 3.3
P roduct T ype
iP a ck C 6.5
Us a ble Ene rgy(kW h)
Minim um Through O utput Ene rgy (MW h)
Rack-mounted Bracket
Screw for bracket
iPack C3.3 Standalone Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Residential Energy Storage System
Am bie nt te m pe ra ture : 25±2
C ha rging/Dis cha rging conditions :
2.3 C a pa city m e a s ure m e nt condition
Initia l te m pe ra ture de te cte d by BMS /BMS : 25±2
Terminator (crystal RJ45 plug) 2pcs
Quick Guidance
User Manual
C ha rge : 0.2C C C/C V (cha rge s a t a co nsta nt volta ge of 56.8V till the curre nt re a che s 2A)
3. P re conditions for W arranty
Dis cha rge : dis cha rge a t 0.2C till the volta ge re a che s 44.8 V, 0.2C curre nt iP a ck C 3.3 (12.8A), iP a ck C 6.5(25.6A)
Accessory List
Warranty Card
Date: 2021-03-16
3.3 The ba tte ry ins ta lla tion loca tion s hould m e e t the re quire m e nts of Us e r Ma nua l.
tra nsfe rre d from DO W ELL to a n origina l e nd us e r.
3.2 The insta lla tion of the P roduct for the e nd us e r s ha ll be com ple te d within m a xim um 1 m onth from the da te title to the product
3.1 P roduct s ha ll be ins ta lle d a nd s e rvice d e xclus ive ly by re cognize d or pa rtne r a uthorize d by DO W ELL.
This lim ite d wa rra nty doe s not cove r following da m a ge due to:
4. Exclus ion of W arranty
• Una uthorize d Modifica tions , cha nge s , or a tte m pte d re pa irs;
• F a ilure to obse rve the us e r m a nua l, the insta lla tion g uide , a nd the m a inte na nce re gula tions ;
• F a ilure of, or da m age ca us e d by a ny third-pa rty products .
• Tra ns port da m a ge ;
• O ut of the s tora ge te m pe ra ture ra nge : -30 to -20 , +45 to +60 (within 7 da ys ); -20 to +45 (within 6 m onths);
• Noncom plia nce with the a pplica ble s a fe ty re gula tions;
ins ta lla tion a ltitude should be le ss tha n 2000 m e te rs.
• O ut of the ra nge of ope ra ting e nvironm e nta l re quire m e nts: -10 to +50 ; hum idity ra nge 5% to 90% no conde nsa tion,
• O uts ide influe nce a nd force m a je ure including but not lim ite d to powe r fa ilure s urge s , lightning, flood, fire , s torm , a ccide nta l
bre a ka ge ;
• De fe cts or non-conform itie s which a re ca use d by norm a l we a r a nd te a r
This lim ite d w a rra nty sha ll be inva lid if the obliga tions a nd e xclusions de scribe d a bove a re not com plie d or not obs e rve d.
5. W arranty Re s triction
5.1 For a ny non-a pplica ble wa rra nty cla im which indica te s inva lid, cos ts incurre d by DO W ELL or ins ta lle r sha ll be cove re d by
e nd us e r only if this non-a pplica bility wa s invisible to e nd use r a ccording to give n circum s ta nce s .
qua lity wa rra nty. The le ga lity a nd e nforce a bility of re m a ining cla us e s he re in s ha ll not be a ffe cte d or da m a ge d if a ny of cla use s
e xpre s se d or im plie d. No dis tributor, a ge nt or sta ff of DO W ELL is a uthorize d to m a ke a ny re vision, e xte ns ion or a ddition to the
5.2 This W a rra nty Le tte r a nd a bove re m e die s s ha ll be e xclusive a nd re pla ce a ll othe r gua ra nte e s a nd re m e die s , ora l or in writing,
indire ctly from your purcha s e or use of products a nd its s ys te m .
without lim ita tion, a ny dire ct or indire ct da m a ge s for los s of profits, bus ine s s inte rruption) re sulting or a ris ing dire ctly or
5.3 DO W ELL is not re s pons ible in a ny wa y for a ny cla im s, da m a ge s , los s e s, e xpe nse s, costs or lia bilitie s wha ts oe ve r (including,
he re in is a djudge d to be ille ga l or une nforce a ble .
Hex key #5
1000V MAX
Hex key #5
War r anty Car d
1.Pur pose
This limited warranty (herein after "Warranty" ) described below applies to the residential application with Dowell Battery Storage
System supplied by Shanghai Dowell Technology Co., Ltd (herein after "DOWELL" ) with the types iPack C3.3/iPack C6.5
(herein after "Products" ) to Original end user via the way authorized by DOWELL.
2. War ranty Condition
2.1. Warranty Period
Unless otherwise stated in this Warranty, the Performance Warranty period for the Products is Ten (10) years from the invoice date.
2.2 Performance warranty
DOWELL warrants that the Product retains either sixty percent (60%) of Usable Energy for Ten (10) years from the invoice date,
or for a Minimum Through Output Energy in table below which is calculated from invoice date, whichever comes first.
Product Type
Usable Energy(kWh)
Minimum Through Output Energy (MWh)
iPack C3.3
iPack C6.5
2.3 Capacity measurement condition
Ambient temperature: 25±2
Initial temperature detected by BMS/BMS: 25±2
Charging/Discharging conditions:
Charge: 0.2C CC/CV (charges at a constant voltage of 56.8V till the current reaches 2A)
Discharge: discharge at 0.2C till the voltage reaches 44.8V, 0.2C current iPack C3.3(12.8A), iPack C6.5(25.6A)
3. Preconditions for War ranty
3.1 Product shall be installed and serviced exclusively by recognized or partner authorized by DOWELL.
3.2 The installation of the Product for the end user shall be completed within maximum 1 month from the date title to the product
transferred from DOWELL to an original end user.
3.3 The battery installation location should meet the requirements of User Manual.
4. Exclusion of War ranty
This limited warranty does not cover following damage due to:
• Transport damage;
• Failure of, or damage caused by any third-party products.
• Failure to observe the user manual, the installation guide, and the maintenance regulations;
• Unauthorized Modifications, changes, or attempted repairs;
• Out of the storage temperature range : -30
to -20
, +45
to +60
(within 7 days); -20
to +45
(within 6 months);
• Out of the range of operating environmental requirements: -10
to +50 ; humidity range 5% to 90% no condensation,
installation altitude should be less than 2000 meters.
• Noncompliance with the applicable safety regulations;
• Defects or non-conformities which are caused by normal wear and tear
• Outside influence and force majeure including but not limited to power failure surges, lightning, flood, fire, storm, accidental
This limited warranty shall be invalid if the obligations and exclusions described above are not complied or not observed.
5. Warr anty Restr iction
5.1 For any non-applicable warranty claim which indicates invalid, costs incurred by DOWELL or installer shall be covered by
end user only if this non-applicability was invisible to end user according to given circumstances.
5.2 This Warranty Letter and above remedies shall be exclusive and replace all other guarantees and remedies, oral or in writing,
expressed or implied. No distributor, agent or staff of DOWELL is authorized to make any revision, extension or addition to the
quality warranty. The legality and enforceability of remaining clauses herein shall not be affected or damaged if any of clauses
herein is adjudged to be illegal or unenforceable.
5.3 DOWELL is not responsible in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever (including,
without limitation, any direct or indirect damages for loss of profits, business interruption) resulting or arising directly or
indirectly from your purchase or use of products and its system.
1000V MAX