Amprobe TR300 Руководство пользователя - Страница 10

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство пользователя для Регистраторы данных Amprobe TR300. Amprobe TR300 14 страниц. Temperature and relative humidity data logger

Real Time

press SeT to enter real time setting
press Up or Down key to select 'rTC & p6"
press SeT to edit YeAR 'yer'
press Up or Down key to adjust the year
press SeT to edit MonTH 'non'
press Up or Down key to adjust the month
press SeT to edit DAY 'dAt'
press Up or Down key to adjust the day
press SeT to edit HoUR 'Hor'
press Up or Down key to adjust the hour
press SeT to edit MinUTe 'Mi n'
press Up or Down key to adjust the minute
press SeT to edit SeConD 'Sec'
press Up or Down key to adjust the second
press SeT to save and return to p6
press MoDe to quit and return to main menu
Switch from °F to °C
press and release MoDe key to change from °f to °C

Dew point measurement: DP

press and hold MoDe key for dew point reading
press and release MoDe key to change Dp from °f to °C
press and hold MoDe key to return to temperature reading.


plug the RS232 cable to the meter to turn it on.
Connect the meter with the pC using the RS232 provided
Start the Download Suite software program