3Style Scooters TS360 Shadow Инструкции и руководство по уходу - Страница 3

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3Style Scooters TS360 Shadow Инструкции и руководство по уходу

Safety First

Suitable Footwear
Tight fitting with laces
done up tight will help
ensure safe scooting.
Protective equipment should be worn at all times e.g. a helmet,
gloves, knee-pads, and elbow-pads.
Stunt Scooter Instructions & Care Guide
One of the most important items, a
helmet is a
for Stunt Scooting.
Elbow Pads
Prevent bad cuts, grazes
and chipped elbow bones
with Elbow Pads.
Knee Pads
Prevent bad cuts,
grazes and chipped
bones with knee