Dangerous power FUSION Руководство пользователя - Страница 3
Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство пользователя для Оборудование для пейнтбола Dangerous power FUSION. Dangerous power FUSION 15 страниц.
Eye prot ect ion must be worn at all times by the user and any person loca ted in the rang e of an
act ively used paint ball marker. The eye prot ect ion gea r must be app roved and desi gned for paint ball
The Fusi on marker is not a toy!
Misuse or carel ess use can cau se ser ious injury or dea th.
Please read the operation manu al and warranty card before usi ng.
Always use a barr el block ing dev ice.
Always ensu re the marker is not pointed at any one when it is being han dled outside the
con fines of an act ual paint ball gam e and where prop er eye prot ect ion and equ ipment are not
being used .
This prod uct is reco mmend ed for use for adu lts 18 yea rs or older. Person under 18 must hav e
adu lt sup ervision or use only on paint ball fields meet ing ASTM stand ard F1777-97.
Operat ion Pressur e Regu lator Patent No.:7045726B1
Rapid Feed nec k Pend ing No.: 11/028640
Invisible Screw Pend ing No.: 11/256392
Reflect ing Trigger Senso r Pend ing No.: 11/354808
Quick Release Beari ng Lock Pend ing No.:11/255822
The manu fact urer assum es no respo nsi bility for this prod uct' s resal e or saf e operation upon
distribution. PROPERTY DAMAGE, BODILIY INJURY OR DEATH cou ld occ ur due to misuse,
abu se or failure to follow the manu fact urer 's inst ructi ons stated in this manu al. The manu fact urer
will assum e no respo nsi bility for physi cal injury or prop erty dam age resul ting from the use of this
The inform ation in this docum ent is sub ject to cha nge without pri or notice. The manu fact urer
assum es no respo nsi bility for any errors that app ear in this docum ent.