Datadesk SmartBoard Руководство по установке и эксплуатации - Страница 2

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство по установке и эксплуатации для Клавиатура Datadesk SmartBoard. Datadesk SmartBoard 4 страницы. For macintosh-usb

Repeat 2 Times:
"After Bob the avocado cob played a mean trick on Lucy the quiet
kangaroo, Lucy decided to quickly point out his wicked ways."
How is the SmartKey™ Layout Different?
The SmartKey™ Layout is different from the standard key layout in two
ways. First, the columns of keys are arranged to match the natural
"fanning"motion of you fingers when you type. Second, the keys that you
type with your outside fingers are slightly larger than standard-sized keys.
Take the 'BOXCAR" Test
To demonstrate the typing advantages of the SmartKey™ Layout, take the
"BOXCAR" test. On your old keyboard, watch how your fingers are
forced to move unnaturally when you type the work "BOXCAR". You
have to reach way over the "B", the "O" is hard to find, and the "X" and
"C" are in unnatural positions. Now type the word "BOXCAR" on the
SmartBoard™. All the letters are right where your fingers reach. Just reach
down for the "B", up for the "O", and down for the "X" and "C". Even
the "R" is in a more natural position. Typing is just plain simpler with the
Function Keys: F1-F12
The SmartBoard™ provides twelve user-definable function keys. All
Macintosh software utilizes F1- F4 as Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste.
Some software has preprogrammed functions assigned to these f-keys,
such as Microsoft Word, Word Perfect and Nisus. Please consult your
manuals to determine if and how this feature is implemented in your
To get maximum utilization from your function keys, third-party macro
or shortcut software programs such as QuicKeys and TempoEZ, can be
used. This type of software will allow you to design shortcuts which
instantly execute multi-step tasks, reduce complex commands and program
functions to a single keystroke.
Radio and Television Interference
The SmartBoard™ has been tested and complies with the limits for a
Class B computing device in accordance with Part 15 of the FCC Rules,
which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial or residential
environment. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

Product Registration

You can register your new SmartBoard™ by completing and mailing the
Registration Card.
You can also register online at:
Datadesk Technical Support
You will find quick and easy answers to almost any question on our website.
In addition, your can email your questions to [email protected].
Please describe your problem in detail, and tell us which computer and
operating system your are using with your SmartBoard™. We will get
back to you within 24 hours. If you would prefer to reach technical support
by phone, please call (206) 842-5480, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (PST).
Some studies indicate a possible correlation between extended periods
of repetitive motion and some types of physical pain and injury including
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis. Take these precautions
to reduce risk of repetitive stress injuries:
• Keep your wrists straight while typing
• Do not rest on your wrists while typing
• Touch keys lightly
• Rest frequently to avoid muscle exhaustion
• Avoid unhealthy habits
For further information, please contact a qualified health professional.
SmartBoard™ Patents: #5,366,001 & D348,87
If you need further help, please contact Datadesk Technical Support:
PHONE: (206) 842-5480 • FAX: (206) 842-9219