AFFORDABLE LIFTS KCSPM3648 Руководство по сборке и установке - Страница 10

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство по сборке и установке для Подъемные системы AFFORDABLE LIFTS KCSPM3648. AFFORDABLE LIFTS KCSPM3648 15 страниц. Affordable lift

9.4. Plug in the hoist motor power cord into a suitable outlet.
9.5. Power Cord: Consider using a zip tie to secure any excess power cord out of the way so that it will not rub or chaff.

10. Test Your Lift

10.1. Take a Test Run:
Now that your lift is positioned and plugged into your power source, on your tethered hand held Controller push the "Up"
button to tighten any loose synthetic rope. Then go up several inches and all the way back down again. Be sure to not go
up more than several inches. The motor should turn off when you reach the ground. After you successfully do this several
times you may send the Platform higher, but remember that you have not yet installed your Upper Limit Switch. Do not
allow your Collar or Actuator Spring to collide with your Hoist Assembly.
10.2. Troubleshooting: If you run into any issues during testing you may wish to consult the
end of this document.

11. Adjust Your Lift's Maximum Height

11.1. Upper Limit Switch: Your lift has an Upper Limit Switch that automatically stops the Platform at a preset station height.
This is an important safety feature. You can set this height easily using the 1/8" allen wrench supplied with the lift, taped
on to the Upper Limit Switch bracket.
11.2. Attach The Upper Limit Switch Rain Guard:
1. If the lift is exposed to severe weather, a Rain Guard (PN 6000144) should be used to prevent water from entering the
with no one on or under the lift's Platform.
Troubleshooting Section
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