AutoMotionShade QRG Краткое справочное руководство
Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Краткое справочное руководство для Передатчик AutoMotionShade QRG. AutoMotionShade QRG 3 страницы.
Pairing of 1
Generation RF Remote Transmitters with 1
RF Motors 4285 and 4275
Pairing with RF-Motor 4285
3-inch long RF Receiver
antenna; do not
shorten the length of
this antenna!
With this RF Motor you will not be able to use a dashboard switch.
Wiring of Motor: Solid black wire goes to +12VDC and black & white stripe goes to ground (Negative on battery);
see illustration (5)
407: R-1: 02/20
Quick Reference Guide (QRG) #8-1
Up / Down Button (2)
Channel Button(s) (1)
Stop Button (3)
Pictured here are the 1
as well as the 2-Channel and Single Channel RF Remote
Push-Button on program wire (4)
The 2 separate wires (black and black &
white) are fused together for easier
wiring (5)
Generation 16-Channel ("Wizard")
Effective Date: Feb 2020