Autonics ARD-AO04 Руководство по эксплуатации - Страница 4
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Также для Autonics ARD-AO04: Руководство (10 страниц)
■ Display scale
• Set high/low-limit scale value of analog input or output. It can be read by Configurator or
Explicit message.
Function Choice
: Scaling Flag bit ON
Scaling Type
: Default Scaling (factory default)
Function Choice
: Scaling Flag bit OFF
Scaling Type
: Default Scaling
Function Choice
: Scaling Flag bit ON
Scaling Type
: User Scaling
■ I/O comment
• You can set the comment for I/O. It is able to read/write by Configurator or Explicit message.
• Set I/O comment by Explicit message at I/O Comment of Analog Input Point Object, Analog
Output Point Object.
• Setting range: max. 32 characters
■ Gradient adjustment
• It adjusts the gradient of input/output value or scale value. It is able to read/write by
Configurator or Explicit message.
• It is applied when Adjust Gradient Flag bit is set as ON at Function Choice of Analog Input
Point Object. Set the range at Adjustment Gradient value.
• Adjustment range: -5 to 5 %, setting range: -500 to 500 (factory default: 0)
• E.g.) When input value is 1000, Adjustment Gradient is 500 (+5 %)
X'=aX, a=1+Adjustment Gradient (0.05)
X=1000, X'=1.05×1000=1050
■ Offset adjustment
• This function is to adjust the error occurring from external analog sensor, etc, not from the
unit itself. It is also applied to analog output. It is able to read/write by Configurator or Explicit
• It is applied when Adjustment Offset Flag bit is set as ON at Function Choice of Analog Input
Point Object. Set the value at Adjustment Offset Value.
• Adjustment range: -5 to 5 %, setting range: -500 to 500 (factory default: 0)
• E.g.) When input range is 0 to 10 V, Full Scale 0 to 16000, input value is 1600 (1 V) and
Adjustment Gradient 500 (+5 %),
X'=X+b, X=1600, b=16000×0.05 (added input value and percentage of Full Scale)
X'=1600+800=2400 (1.5 V)
■ Input digital filter
• This function is used when input value vibrates or repeatedly shake by included noise at
input signal. Accurate control is available by stable input with this function. It adopts moving
average filter method not to affect sampling cycle. It is able to read/write by Configurator or
Explicit message.
• It is applied when Moving Average is set as ON at Function Choice of Analog Input Point. Set
the number of digital filters at Moving Average Filter of Number.
• Setting range: 0 to 8 (factory default: 3[Moving Average No_8])
■ Input min./max. value save
• Min./Max. save when power is ON
It saves min./max. input value from power ON the network. (When network power is OFF, the
saved min./max. input value are cleared.) It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
When Clear Max, Clear Min Flag bit of is ON at Function Choice of Analog Output Point Object,
the saved values are cleared and it saves current min./max. value of current input.
• Min./Max. save when Peak/Bottom Hold signal is ON
It memorizes the max./min. value while Peak/Bottom signal is ON. When Peak/Bottom signal
is OFF, they are saved. It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
It is applied when Peak/Bottom is set as ON at Function Choice of Analog Input Point Object.
You can check the value of Peak/Bottom at Peak Value and Bottom Value.
Max. value
Peak/Bottom Hold value monitoring
Bottom Hold value
Hold signal
■ Disconnection detection
• When operating analog input cable (voltage/current input) is disconnected, Broken Wire Flag
Bit turns ON at Analog Status Flag Read of Analog Input Point Object. (It operates only for 1-5
V, 4-20 mA input range.) It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
• If this value is below -5 %, it recognizes disconnection and displays '32767' as data value.
It is set as 1,000 per 1 V (mA).
In case of 1-5 V, 4-20 mA, it is applied from over
min. allowable range 0.8 V (800), 3.2 (3,200).
The below input value is break detection.
It outputs as min. allowable range.
It is set as default value 0 to 16000 (-8000 to
8000). (0-5 V, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA:
0 to 16000, -5-5 V, -10-10 V: -8,000 to 8,000 )
Set high/low-limit value to apply at 'Scaling
Point 0 %' and 'Scaling Point 100 %.'
Setting range: -28,000 to 28,000
Peak Hold value
Min. value
■ Input comparison
• It compares analog input value or the operation value and alarm set value (HH, H, L, LL) and
Analog Status Bit flag turns ON at Function Choice of Analog Input Point Object. It is able to
read by Configurator or Explicit message.
• If the value is within the setting range between 'H' and 'L' , it is available to apply by turning
ON Pass Signal Flag bit at Analog Status Flag Read of Analog Input Point Object and turning
ON/OFF Comparator Flag bit at Function Choice.
HH alarm
H alarm
Normal Flag
L alarm
LL alarm
■ Hysteresis
• In case of comparison output, this function is to increase stability of comparison output
against vibration of input signal or chattering. It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit
• It is applied when Compare Bit flag turns ON at Function Choice of Analog Input Point Object.
Set the value at Hysteresis Value.
• Setting range: 0 to 16,383 (factory default: 0)
■ Output value setting for com. error
• When communication error occurs, this function is to set output value of output unit by each
channel. It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
• Set Fault state at Fault Action of Analog Output Point.
• Setting range: 0 to 3 (factory default: 1)
0: Hold Last State-maintains the last status, 2: High Limit-outputs max. value,
1: Low Limit-outputs min. value, 3: Zero Count-outputs 0 %
■ Status flag monitoring
• When the network power voltage is lower than the set value or unit operation time is over
the set value, monitoring is available by Status Bit of Application Object. It is able to read by
Configurator or Explicit message.
• Flag Bit
Bit 0: Reserved, Bit 1: Network Power Voltage Drops (below the set level),
Bit 2: Life State (Unit), Bit 3: Reserved, Bit 4: Reserved, Bit 5: Reserved, Bit 6: Reserved,
Bit 7: Reserved
■ Analog data allotment
• This function is to allot analog data. Select the desired data to transmit it to the master unit.
It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
• Set the allotment at Analog Data 1/2 Allocation selection of Analog Output Point.
• Setting range: 0 to 2 (factory default: 0)
0: Analog Input Value, 1: Peak Value, 2: Bottom Value
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